Sister Wives: The 8 Worst Things Kody’s Kids & Exes Have Said About Him Ranked


Offscreen, Sister Wives’ star Kody Brown’s feeling bitter and alienated. Onscreen, it isn’t much different. The patriarch gets a lot of shade.

Kody Brown, the star of Sister Wives season 18, is accustomed to receiving harsh criticism from fans, but he has also seen attacks from those closest to him. He’s being interrogated by his former and soon-to-be ex in the current episode (he was dumped by Christine and Janelle Brown on TV, and Meri is set to follow suit). Even while some of the shade is new, Kody’s own kids and the Brown women have both expressed disapproval in the past. Some of the slurs are justified, but it doesn’t make them any less vicious.

In season eighteen of Sister Wives, Kody is learning what happens when everything falls apart. He’s had issues in the past, but nothing nearly as serious as this. Because the Brown women and their kids are now coming clean about him, Kody perceives enemies everywhere. They are discussing his qualities as a father and a husband. Their comments aren’t encouraging, and Kody is delicate. Really, only Robyn knows how to deal with the irritable father. The strain is wearing thin. Kody actually seems like he’s falling apart on film. He is totally focused on Robyn, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be humiliated. His ego is vulnerable.

8. “I’m glad she left Kody”

Paedon aimed this blistering quote right at Kody. He was talking about Christine’s decision to end her spiritual union with Kody. Christine had issues for years before she made this pivotal move. Consumed with jealousy, she wouldn’t even befriend her rival. She didn’t trust Robyn, and there was the whole envy thing. Of all the wives, Christine showed her jealousy the most. She’s very in touch with her feelings, and doesn’t like hiding who she is. When she did let her emotions out, it made no difference. Kody was already set in his ways, and unwilling to change for her sake.

Since Kody favored Robyn for years, and the other wives were left out in the cold, it’s not such a shock that Christine eventually bailed out. She was so frustrated by the unfairness. reality TV show star Kody would never acknowledge the truth, which is the fact that he emotionally checked out of his relationships with his non-Robyn spouses long ago. His rejected wives tried to get love and attention, but they failed. Adding insult to injury, he’d project his flaws onto those long-suffering women.

7. “Never apologize for having high standards, People who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet them”
Meri’s the queen of “cryptic.” For years, she’s tried to stir up intrigue on social media, via an endless array of shockingly transparent “cryptic” posts. Sharing her views on Kody without ever naming him’s her specialty. While some of her content may not be cryptic, so much of it obviously is. In Sister Wives season 18, she’s still trying to work things out with Kody, Meri added the quote above via her Instagram Stories. Of course, it seemed like she was directing her venom at Kody. Apparently, he was wholly unwilling to meet her, “high standards.”

Why she would fight this losing battle for so long’s really hard to understand. Yes, offscreen, she left him, but during the season, she still seems to cling to hope. That was an exercise in futility. Kody didn’t actually say, “I don’t like you,” but he did everything else to communicate that unspoken thought. Like Meri, he got “cryptic” by showing his feelings without saying them outright. In fact, he and Robyn seem committed to humiliating Meri whenever they can. Meri thinks Robyn’s her friend, but she may want to think again. Robyn’s a backstabber.

Robyn seems like a confidante, but this is a woman who probably always wanted monogamy. Robyn recently shared with the public that she thinks Kody will be disrespecting her if he takes another wife. The whole time, she may have been playing the other women, with the goal of getting Kody all to herself in mind. That means she was playing Meri, too.

Remember when she stage-whispered that Kody should give Meri a S’Mores during a family BBQ? Of course, she whispered loudly enough that Meri could hear. Meri looked so embarrassed. That’s because her spouse needed to be prompted by another woman. Recently, Kody suggested that Meri move into a converted barn. It was sad to watch her expression while Kody shared his idea. It clearly made her feel very bad.

6. “He’s Been Spending All Of Their Money”
Gwendlyn Brown is not a shy person; she has a little bit of Kody’s “in your face” attitude. Gabriel Brown is one of Kody’s more reticent children. Gwendlyn has her own YouTube channel because she loves being in the spotlight. She may earn money while venting about her father Kody on YouTube. She went straight to the point during one outburst, singling out Kody. He’s been wasting all of their money, she claimed. She calls him out for his “crazy spending,” calling him careless.
Throughout season 18, a few of Kody’s other children have voiced their displeasure about his lavish spending on Robyn and their children. They believe he also shows Robyn and their kids more love and care. Given that he and Robyn own a Flagstaff home that is rumored to be valued close to a million dollars, there may be some validity to the claim that Kody overspends. Additionally, Kody has been seen wearing expensive jewelry, such as a David Yurman pendant. He’s sporting an eye-catching, expensive-looking ring in the latest episode. Even if Kody most likely makes a nice living, it’s possible that he is overspending.

5. “No true man of the house”

Paedon and Gwendlyn tend to be the most vocal critics of their father. They’re young, and someday, they may regret being so harsh. However, they’ve grown up in the spotlight, and that means that they’re used to speaking their minds in front of audiences. For that reason, it’s understandable that they take to social media to gripe about the famous patriarch. When Paedon said that Kody’s “no true man of the house,” it was a direct hit at Kody’s image. He’s all about the patriarchy and being in charge.

There’s likely nothing that Paedon could say that would hurt his father more. Kody’s insecure about the way he’s led the family. He’s not sure that he’s the problem, but he feels it when he’s insulted. While the patriarch’s low on self-awareness, Kody’s got a thin skin. He’s not impervious to what people say. In fact, one of his biggest hurdles as a parent is the fact that he takes every negative word to heart. It’s difficult for a person to get past problems when that kind of unpleasant feedback’s running through their mind.


To stop feuding, Paedon and Kody need to forgive each other, but there’s bad blood, and they aren’t there yet. They may never get there. However, there’s always hope.

4. “Leon has given themselves space for their emotional health”

Kody got dragged by Gwendlyn again over another one of his kids, Leon Brown. Leon’s trans, and Kody hasn’t been supportive of their journey. Apparently, Kody’s lack of understanding really hurt Leon, as Gwendlyn claimed that Leon wanted distance from the patriarch, for the sake of their, “emotional health,” as per Gwendlyn’s YouTube.

Another shocking quote came from a source that talked to The U.S. Sun. They said, “Kody does not support Leon’s transition at all.” If that’s true, it’s shameful, as parents should love their children unconditionally. They shouldn’t expect them to conform in order to get love. If Kody has been negative about Kody’s journey, it’s good that Leon got some space. While Leon doesn’t post a lot online, they are clearly striving for happiness. Leon’s a strong person who was brave enough to transition even though a lot of Sister Wives fans are Christians who believe that’s wrong.

The transition wasn’t rebellion though. It was just about being who they really are. Kody often plays a part, but Leon’s honest. Kody could take lessons from his trans child.

3. “I was really just kind of hoping that he would care a little bit more”

In the series’ current installment, Meri never seems to wake up. She’s constantly waiting for Kody to say he cares, as the quote above shows. While she’s left him offscreen, her journey to that point was extremely turbulent. Meri’s quite passive, and can also be passive-aggressive. She waits too much in general, when action might be a better strategy. There’s a difference between planning and just letting life pass you by.

Eventually, Meri stopped waiting for Kody, and that was good for her. She seems happy now at Instagram, but she’s still doing the “cryptic” post thing that was mentioned earlier. Part of her is emotionally invested in Kody, who’s probably glad that she isn’t around, no matter what he says publicly.

In the quote shown above, she was more open about her feelings. Instead of being so wishy-washy, Meri would have benefited from really unloading on Kody during their spiritual union. Then, then might have had a fight that led him to finally say, “I want you out of my life.” That would have saved so much time and heartache.

2. “Some days it feels like a deal-breaker”

Even Robyn, who typically keeps her reactions mild, is lashing out at Kody during this season. She’s finding it hard to live with the cranky father of 18. During the season, Robyn was in her usual passive-aggressive form when she stated that the way Meri treats Kody, “feels like a deal-breaker.”

Those are some tough words from “Sobbin’ Robyn.” Robyn generally leans more toward appeasing Kody, but it seems that she has changed recently. She’s become more resilient overall, and she’s speaking out about her experiences at last. She is obviously in love with Kody, but she also finds him annoying. He’s difficult to live with, and Robyn finds it difficult to handle Kody’s ups and downs despite the fact that she’s also highly sensitive. He is irritable, resentful, and unable of realizing that he is the source of the issue.

1. “Fu*ck You”

Janelle hasn’t totally cut Kody off during the season. She’s tried to get along with him, but her motivation isn’t the strongest. She’s been through a lot and she’s carrying so much anger. While Kody thinks that Janelle’s just after his “body,” he doesn’t understand women. There’s a lot more to her than that. Janelle loves Kody but she’s giving up. Offscreen, she’s left him, and that decision was probably based on their explosive onscreen argument. She said, “f*ck you,” after they warred about parenting, money, and more.

Sister Wives season 18’s been a wild ride, and it’s not over yet. The Brown family’s disintegrating through the episodes, and Robyn’s pretending to be upset. Kody’s angry because he’s getting so much criticism. Meri feels forgotten, and Christine’s already planning her new life as a single woman. Everything’s changed except Kody and Robyn’s bond. It’s still there, but it’s broken. Soon enough, it’ll be gone forever.

The harshness of the season is highlighting the drawbacks of several marriages. Everyone engaged finds polygamy difficult, but the wives who are forced to submit to their husbands find it particularly taxing. They may be banished if they refuse to comply. They must, nevertheless, continue to live in their marriages, which are like a kind of hell that makes no one happy. This season, Kody’s unloved spouses appear worn out. They’re starting to feel the pressure. The moved-on Christine appears vibrant and lively. Like his ex-girlfriends, Kody is showing signs of stress. Both emotion and conflict are abundant.

There is no freedom for women in several marriages. Because of how deeply embedded their religious ideas are, individuals could feel guilty if they quit. They can also be devastated that things didn’t work out. There are a ton of possible hazards. The stigma attached to polygamy in society has valid causes. Sister Wives set out to change that, but rather than succeeding in doing so, the show’s cast members have demonstrated how flawed the relationship model is. Although the family appeared content in previous seasons, those times are passed. Everything is in ruins now, save for Robyn and Kody’s romance. Compared to her, he appears happier.

