Star Wars Introduces A New Sith Lightsaber That Really Does Break All The Rules


The Sith Lord of The Acolyte decimated the Jedi, and he used a devastating new type of lightsaber to do it. The Acolyte episode 5 finally revealed the long awaited identity of the show’s Sith Lord, and it was none other than Qimir, Mae’s trusty helper. That wasn’t the only surprise the episode had in store, though, as Qimir also had a very unusual – and surprising – lightsaber at his disposal. He used it to rip through a big chunk of The Acolyte’s cast of characters, which gave his lightsaber a devastating first appearance.

There are several types of lightsabers in Star Wars canon, from the standard single blade used by most Jedi and Sith to more unique types like double-bladed and the lightspear. Some types of lightsabers are significantly more common than others, and the Sith Lord of The Acolyte has a particularly unique one. His type of lightsaber has never been seen in any Star Wars movie or show, and its first live-action appearance caught all the Jedi by surprise. Though Qimir’s blade was surprisingly game-changing and rule-breaking, there is a bit of information about it that can be parsed from The Acolyte.

The Sith Lord’s Lightsaber Can Be Split Into Two Blades

In a particularly high-adrenaline moment, Qimir separated his lightsaber at the hilt and turned it into two smaller blades. In the heat of battle, this helped him surprise Jecki Lon and kill her before she could react to the new configuration. This type of dual-wield lightsaber has been used in Star Wars canon before, by Cal Kestis in the Star Wars Jedi games. There are a few key differences between Cal’s and Qimir’s lightsabers, though, and it seems Qimir’s was specifically designed to deceive his opponents, among other things.

How Does This New Version Of A Double Lightsaber Work?

While Cal’s lightsaber seems to be different from Qimir’s, it can still offer some insight into how it works. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order showed that Cal’s lightsaber was powered by a kyber crystal that had broken in two. That was a key factor in allowing Cal’s lightsaber to split into two blades, and Qimir’s likely also required two kyber crystals. The need for two crystals likely applied doubly to Qimir, since his second blade was completely hidden within the hilt of his full lightsaber. Since Qimir’s blades were facing the same direction, the second blade’s emitter also separates the two crystals.

Qimir’s lightsaber also differs from other types already seen in live-action Star Wars. Characters like the Inquisitors have used double-bladed lightsabers in the past, and Ahsoka Tano is well-known for using two separate lightsabers to dual-wield. Those lightsaber types typically use a single kyber crystal, but there are other lightsabers that use two kyber crystals. Darth Vader’s blade, for example, had two crystals so he could change the length of his blade at will. Darth Maul, as well, had two crystals to ignite either or both ends of his saber. Using two kyber crystals seems to often be a mark of the dark side.

The Stranger’s Lightsaber Is Designed To Deceive

Qimir, who has been identified as The Stranger in official Star Wars merchandise, used this new lightsaber for one specific purpose: deception. Star Wars revealed that The Stranger’s lightsaber really worked as two completely separate blades. His second blade was essentially a lightsaber dagger combined with a regular-length blade, akin to Ahsoka Tano’s shorter shoto blade that she used with her normal lightsaber. The key difference between The Stranger and Ahsoka, however, is still the fact that The Stranger’s dagger was hidden to his opponents. That made it a surprise to those he fought, and it blended well with his unique lightsaber combat form.


The Stranger used a new lightsaber combat form that was relegated to Star Wars Legends years ago. The lightsaber technique was known as Trakata, and it was essentially a way of fighting that broke the common rules of lightsaber combat. It relied heavily on deceptive practices and dirty tricks, such as shutting off the lightsaber mid swing so it would avoid an opponent’s block only to reignite it as it made contact. The Stranger’s dagger fits perfectly with Trakata: it’s a trick designed to artificially gain an edge through the power of surprise.

The Two Blades Are Separated With A Twist

A very important part of The Stranger’s lightsaber is the fact that he needed to twist the second blade off the handle of his main weapon to separate them. This seems like a small feature meant to keep the lightsabers together, but it also connects Qimir to a different character from The Acolyte: Vernestra Rwoh. Vernestra famously wielded the lightwhip, a type of lightsaber that could lose its rigid blade-like shape and act more like a rope, or whip. She could cycle between both forms, and the way she did so was by twisting part of the handle, just as Qimir did.

The Acolyte will almost certainly bring another new lightsaber into live-action with the lightwhip, but its connection to Qimir’s dual-wield blades could run even deeper. A major goal of The Acolyte has been to examine and critique the Jedi, especially as they relate to the Sith. The fact that Qimir uses a trick lightsaber seems like a dirty way to fight, but Vernestra’s lightsaber may be similarly deceptive. It seems The Acolyte could be setting itself up to assert that the Jedi aren’t as different from the Sith as they seem, and Qimir’s lightsaber could be the first sign of that.

It’s also interesting to note that Vernestra’s lightwhip has given her quite an edge in battle before, but The Stranger’s dagger could take that away. Smaller lightsaber blades like the dagger or Ahsoka’s shoto blade were first introduced in Star Wars Legends when Luke Skywalker designed one to combat Lumiya’s lightwhip. Luke could then defend from Lumiya’s lightwhip with his main lightsaber and attack with the shorter shoto, effectively countering her unfair advantage. The Stranger could use the same tactic to counter Vernestra’s, which could be an indication Qimir’s Jedi killing spree in The Acolyte isn’t over yet.

New episodes of The Acolyte premiere on Tuesday nights on Disney+.
