This Is How Bud Spencer Spanked The Bombshell Actress In Nómás Afte! This Is How It Appears These Days.


The lady wrestler is 66 years old, nude Bud Spencer thoroughly spanked her. In 1983, “Pressure after!” was presented in Italy. comedy, which was made as a parody of agent films. The film was directed by E.B. It was directed by Clucher, who has worked with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill several times.

It was first released in Hungary with Hungarian subtitles on November 14, 1985, and two dubbing versions were made, the first in 1991 and the second in early 1993 on VHS. In the first Hungarian dubbing, Gyula Szersén provided the voice of Terence Hill, and Bud Spencer was dubbed by László Vajda, while in the second version László Ujréti and István Bujtor lent the voices of the legendary slappers.

In this film, Faith Minton played one of the leaders of K1, who was also Dr. Spider’s girlfriend. Minton was only 26 years old at the time and was given the name Demon in the production. Those who know the film know that she is an extremely tough, wrestling female character, whose stubbornly hard butt can be remembered.


We can remember the scene on the boat when Faith Minton thoroughly beats Terence Hill, and then she would teach Bud Spencer how to dance. However, Bud Spencer casually turns the tables, pats her behind and tells her, “What a nice hard ass you have.”

You wouldn’t even think that the actress was only in her twenties, when Nýmás afte! was filming. This was Minton’s 15th production in which he appeared, and although we have seen him in several films and series after that – for example, in Knight Rider, Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as in Batman and Robin and Built-in Beauty part 2 – but without a doubt the Pressure after it! his most famous role to date.

Faith Minton last appeared in the TV series Desire and Passion, but we haven’t seen her in anything for more than 15 years. The actress is now 66 years old, but she still looks like a lady who could handle some cops at any time.
