‘Sister Wives’: Janelle Brown Says Robyn Brown Being Treated As A ‘Victim’ By Kody Brown Makes Reconciliation Hard


Janelle Brown sat down to discuss the breakdown of her marriage on ‘Sister Wives.’ She revealed she can’t get over how Kody Brown treats Robyn Brown like a victim.

The breakup of the plural family has been attributed by Kody Brown’s wives to a lack of intimacy, worries about how their children are being treated, and Kody Brown’s general outlook. The sister wives that chose to leave Kody Brown have been rather quiet up until this point. Now that season 18 is well underway, they are becoming much more detailed. Janelle Brown claimed in the most recent episode of the show that she is powerless to stop Kody from treating Robyn as though she has been a victim of her sister wives. Reconciliation between Kody Brown and Janelle Brown is improbable due to this relationship. Most of her sister wives concur with her.

Janelle Brown reveals the one thing that prevents her from entertaining reconciliation

Janelle appeared to be done with her poly marriage after their split. Kody insisted that the marriage could be saved and even admitted that he and Janelle had previously broken up two or three times but always managed to patch things up. This time around, Kody Brown and Janelle Brown’s reconciliation is not likely to happen. Janelle admitted during a Sister Wives confessional on October 1 that Robyn’s treatment by Kody is a major obstacle to any potential reunion.

Janelle has clearly been holding serious resentment toward Kody and Robyn. The mother of six revealed Kody thinks Robyn is “the sweetest” person who ever came into the family. She said that Kody has always behaved as if Robyn did nothing wrong. Janelle went on to suggest Kody believes Robyn has been victimized by the other wives. She said she could not exist inside a plural marriage where one wife is so vehemently defended.


Christine Brown agrees with Janelle
It comes as no surprise that Christine Brown agrees with Janelle’s assessment. Christine began making noise about Kody’s treatment of Robyn years before she opted to end her marriage. Seasons ago, she noted that she wasn’t interested in living in one big house because she didn’t wish to see her husband having a “full marriage” with Robyn and not her.

Later, Christine revealed Kody had spent just a handful of days with her following the move to Flagstaff. This season, she’s made it clear that she left her marriage because Kody Brown had a clear and obvious “favorite” wife. Inequitable treatment was the final blow to her plural lifestyle.

Meri has been subtly shading Robyn, but remains tactful

Meri has been a little more tactful than Janelle and Christine, who have been extremely forthright in blaming Kody’s treatment of Robyn for the breakdown of their marriages. Since Robyn joined the family in 2010, the small business owner has undoubtedly been their closest family member. There still seems to be some loyalty left over. She has been quietly disparaging Robyn, though.

Meri sat down with Robyn to discuss her relocation to Utah in the episode that aired on October 1. The conversation was nice enough, but Meri did start by saying that it had been a while since they had spoken. Later, Meri reprimanded Robyn for failing to connect. She vented her annoyance in a private confessional as well. Meri could have implied that Kody preferred Robyn even if she hasn’t explicitly stated this.

