NCIS season 22’s favorite couple is almost together, and Palmer’s latest romantic endeavor just proved it. Jessica Knight and Jimmy Palmer’s relationship has turned into a will-they-won’t-they situation ever since they broke up in the NCIS season 21 finale, which saw Knight accept a new job in California. However, since she has returned, there have been moments between her and Palmer that showcase the love they have for each other, even when they are apart. As a result, their breakup does not seem as permanent as it may be.
Throughout NCIS season 22, Knight and Palmer have had a few heart-to-heart conversations about their relationship to combat their newfound awkwardness in the NCIS office. Their conversations seemed to signify the end of their romantic relationship, but their interactions say otherwise. The pair have even dabbled in dating other people. But although it may not look like it now, Palmer’s and Knight’s attempts to move on from each other will only push them closer together.
The Current Status Of Knight & Palmer’s Relationship Explained
They Are Friends But Jealousy Lingers
As of the NCIS season 22 premiere, Knight and Palmer are officially broken up. However, that does not mean they are on bad terms. In fact, NCIS’ Knight and Palmer have been fortunate to be able to maintain their friendly banter in the office and beyond. On the surface, it is as if nothing has changed in their relationship. Knight has even happily maintained a friendly relationship with Palmer’s daughter, Victoria, as she became a sort of mother figure while she and Palmer were dating.
Their friendship is not entirely platonic, however. As the two have openly discussed dating other people, both Knight and Palmer seem uncomfortable with the idea of the other person seeing someone else. They have been able to hide it from each other pretty well, but the rest of the NCIS team members know the truth. Also, as Palmer could not lie to save his life, his discomfort with Knight potentially seeing other people was quickly noticed by Torres. Both characters long for their past relationship, but neither wants to make the first move.
NCIS Showrunner Steven Binder Hints That Palmer Flirting With Someone Else Inches Him Closer To Knight
Palmer And Knight Need To Be Separated Before They Can Be Together Again
NCIS season 22, episode 14 showed the one thing that any Knight and Palmer supporter does not want to see: Palmer flirting with someone else. While undercover, Palmer flirts with his new neighbor while trying to uncover the identity of a reclusive bank robber. It may seem counterintuitive, but Palmer’s actions are actually a good thing. In an interview with TV Insider, NCIS’ showrunner, Steven D. Binder, revealed that Palmer flirting with someone else is one step closer to the couple reuniting. Binder said, “We need to see how they’re not better off together first.” Read his full quote below:
All the while though, I think you’re going to get a sense that maybe they’re better off together. So we need to see how they’re not better off together first before we see that they’re better off together. And that’s the fun seeing how they’re not better off.
Binder’s quote practically proves that Knight and Palmer will get back together. It is just a matter of time. Since episode 14 showed off how Knight and Palmer might be better off apart, the second part of Binder’s quote is coming soon. Episode 14 also highlighted the bond between Palmer and Knight. The two are like family, just like the rest of the MCRT. As Knight and Palmer consider dating other people, their connection will likely bring them closer together. There is no one more right for each other than them.
When Knight & Palmer Should Get Back Together In NCIS
The Couple Should Maintain Its Slow Buildup
Knight and Palmer became a couple relatively quickly compared to the other NCIS romances. They are also the only couple among the NCIS main characters that have not had a slow-burn relationship in the history of the show. That, however, may change. Seeing as Knight and Palmer’s relationship did not last despite their stable growth as a couple, it might be time for NCIS to slow things down for them. NCIS season 22 has already slowed down the timeline of their relationship, so they might as well keep rebuilding the couple’s romantic feelings and trust at a leisurely pace.
Both characters long for their past relationship, but neither wants to make the first move.
Knight and Palmer’s reunion is all but confirmed by both the NCIS showrunners and cast alike, but the exact moment remains a mystery. Seeing how NCIS season 21 threatened the stability of Knight and Palmer’s relationship only to bring Knight back suddenly, the slow build for the couple in season 22 makes more sense. However, extending it into NCIS season 23 would stretch out the story too much. As a result, the best time for Knight and Palmer to get back together is in the final episodes of NCIS season 22.