Ej And Chad Bond Over Their Intense Hatred Of Clyde, Who Forces Ava To Work For Him


Tuesday, October 17, 2023: Today on Days of Our Lives, EJ laments not killing Clyde when he had the chance, Ava is forced back into a life of crime, Harris’ new job presents a conflict of interest, and Talia leaves Salem.

Rafe is found by Jada at the station reading Shawn’s letter of resignation. Rafe observes that Jada will require a new partner, but that he’ll have to hire a new employee because they are shorthanded. Harris begins to rap on Rafe’s door at his office.

Talia assures Belle that her one-night affair with Shawn was just that as they speak outside the pub. She doesn’t have to be concerned about them ever getting back together. Shawn just left town, so Belle knows. They remain partners, but Shawn is receiving the support he requires. Belle advises Talia to avoid her because she will still be there. Although Belle is aware that Shawn is to blame, she truly wants to avoid Talia. She is certain that the sentiment is shared.

After her call from Clyde, a rattled Ava visits him in Statesville. He explains he had Tripp attacked because Ava screwed up his plans to use Susan as leverage against EJ, who he wanted to run his pill business. He recounts that an associate of his happened upon Susan after the crash. So, he shipped her to Edmund in London. However, finding investors for his operation was more difficult than he anticipated. So, he had Edmund keep Susan under wraps until he was ready to launch. Now, he needs someone to replace EJ — and that someone will be her.

Thomas and Charlotte visit Rachel at the mansion with Chad. Chad claims to EJ that they just left the burial of Abby, where he vented his wrath at Clyde for killing his wife. EJ acknowledges that it is Abby’s birthday and softly admits that she misses her as well. Despite the fact that Susan left town, Chad envies EJ for gaining her back. She is only a short flight away. EJ wished Abigail’s situation was the same. Chad wants to highlight the fact that EJ has his mother back, which is wonderful news.

After Jada goes to lunch, Harris tells Rafe he needs a job. Despite his lack of police training, his experience as a Navy Seal would transfer over nicely. Rafe glibly lists the many ways he used his special skill set for Megan Hathaway. Taking that as a no, Harris starts to leave. Rafe stops him. He was just giving him a hard time. Rafe thinks he’d be an asset at the SPD, but he has to run it past the mayor first. Harris muses that once he’s official, he can get EJ’s confession after all. Rafe has something else in mind.

Jada finds Talia in tears outside the Pub as Belle stalks away. Talia knows Belle has every right to hate her. That may be, Jada says, but she has no right to be cruel. Jada insists things will get better in time. Talia knows because she won’t be there. They go inside the Pub, where Talia says she’s returning to California. Jada doesn’t want her to let Belle run her out of town. Talia needs to face that Salem was a failed experiment. Jada reminds her sister that she’s still there. Talia loves her, but she really needs to do this. She leaves to pack.
At the mansion, EJ begrudgingly admits that he has Ava to thank for having his mother back. After Chad teases him about eating crow, he asks if EJ and Ava are square. EJ vows not to do anything drastic, but square isn’t the word he’d use. She’s still responsible for Susan going missing in the first place. He lost a year with his mother and he won’t forgive that.


At Statesville, Ava insists she’s going straight, and that starts with a legitimate job. Clyde can set her up with that. In fact, he’s got connections with The Bistro. It’ll be a front so that no one will be any the wiser. When Ava refuses, Clyde threatens Tripp’s life. Ava realizes she has no choice if she wants to keep her son safe.

Wendy comes home to Tripp after filing a claim with the unemployment office. Tripp fills her in on Ava and Harris getting “friendly.” They get friendly as well until Tripp flinches. She notices his wound, forcing Tripp to admit he was attacked at work. She panics, but he insists it was nothing. As Wendy later bemoans having to job search, Tripp points out his mother is in the same boat.

As Rafe tries to console Jada at the Pub, Talia comes down with her suitcase. Rafe hugs her and then leaves the sisters to share a tearful goodbye.

A frazzled Ava is found by Harris in the Square. About his position with the Salem PD, he tells her. His first task is to track down the person who handed Susan off to Edmund Crumb.
At the mansion, menacing music is playing as EJ laments how badly he would have liked to have killed Clyde earlier. Hearing that doesn’t bother Chad, who is frequently overwhelmed by rage. EJ regrets that Belle and Shawn didn’t have a chance to kill “that bastard” when they discovered them with Clyde last year. Watching him bleed to death in the graveyard would have been entertaining. The brothers exchange stern looks.

Next on Days of Our Lives: Stefan and Gabi plot, while things get tense between Leo and Dimitri.

