Sister Wives: 8 Ways Paedon Brown’s Turning Into A Monster


Sister Wives star Paedon Brown’s been involved in a lot of feuds with family members. He may be the problem. Is the reality star a monster?

Paedon Brown, a controversial reality star from Sister Wives season 18, may have become a monster as a result of his celebrity. A person’s personality can occasionally change due to celebrity, exhibiting negative tendencies like ego. Paedon could need to alter if his celebrity has corrupted him. Painful facts concerning the Brown family, who have crumbled under Kody Brown’s dubious leadership, were revealed by the drama of season 18. Although Paedon and other Brown family members also commit mistakes, Kody bears the brunt of the criticism.

Sister Wives season 18’s showing the downfall of the Brown family, and there have been so many arguments. No one’s getting along, including Robyn Brown and Kody, who are usually a united front. Janelle Brown’s basically accepted that she and Kody are doomed. Christine Brown’s already left, and Meri Brown wants to move to Utah from Flagstaff. Some of Kody’s 18 kids are in the mix, including Paedon, who’s criticized his father (and Robyn) during the current installment.

8. Paedon Said Kody Wasn’t The “Man Of The House”
Both Paedon and Kody have big egos and are quite talkative. They might not get along because of such similarities. When people are too similar to each other, they can experience turbulence. In addition, Kody has provoked his son by favoring Robyn among other things. All in all, that was Kody’s deadly error. He’s alienated the rest of his family by being so overtly partial. Although Kody truly loves Robyn, he overindulges in their relationship, leaving everyone else feeling abandoned.
While he has legitimate issues, Paedon doesn’t express his anger in healthy and rational ways. Instead, he goes way off the rails. Paedon definitely goes overboard, taking to social media to insult his own father. Obviously, that’s just going to fuel the drama that’s poisoning their relationship. How is mouthing off so blatantly going to help? Kody worries about his image, and hearing this stuff, and knowing that the world’s also hearing it, is going to trigger him.

When he decided to say that reality TV show star Kody wasn’t a proper man of the house, he probably hurt Kody badly. Kody’s supposed to be the uber-patriarch. He’s not supposed to be perceived as weak and incompetent. So, Paedon played the villain when he aired dirty laundry. He’s young, and probably didn’t consider the long-term ramifications of calling out his own father in front of a huge audience. Down the line, he may have some real regrets.
7. Gwendlyn Brown Says Paedon’s “Sexist” & “Transphobic”

Is Paedon a male chauvinist like Kody? Maybe so. According to Gwendlyn, Paedon’s totally sexist. She said some blistering things about her brother, calling him “racist,” “violent,” “homophobic,” and “sexist.” The searing diatribe surfaced on the Instagram fan page, Kody’s_ex-wives. Gwendlyn unloaded in the harshest way possible, also encouraging Sister Wives fans not to give, “him any kind of support even if you’re just watching the kind of content he puts out.”

This was extraordinary. It’s unusual for one sibling to trash another so severely online, especially when they’re famous. Christine, who mothered both kids (Kody’s their father), probably doesn’t like this feud very much. If anything Gwendlyn’s saying’s true, then Paedon’s definitely earned the villain label.

6. Paedon’s Been Feuding With Leon Brown For Years
Paedon and Leon are very different people. They don’t agree about politics, and they’ve feuded repeatedly. In fact, their clashes have dragged on for years. At this point, Leon wants space from the Brown family. Leon’s had issues with Kody too, so there are plenty of good reasons to avoid the entire bunch. Now, Leon enjoys privacy, rarely posting online. However, they look happy when they do add pics to Instagram.

In the past, the two have tangled over their differing beliefs. Paedon inflamed Leon when he posted a “Back the Blue” meme that seemed to defy the Black Lives Matter movement. Black Lives Matter is important, and any movement that takes away from it, by showing support for other groups, is completely tone-deaf. While there are good police officers, police brutality against Black people is well-documented.

Paedon and Leon may never see eye to eye. However, they could mend their rift one day. Right now, Leon’s taking time out to focus on their own life. This seems like a great decision.

5. Robyn Thinks Paedon Was Rude To Her Kids

Paedon genuinely acknowledged that he had been impolite to Robyn’s kids, despite her belief otherwise. Robyn Sobbin’ has often complained about other family members not treating her kids properly. She is renowned for her modest violin playing, but it appears that she was spot on in this instance. Although Paedon did undoubtedly harm her children, he remained calm and collected. Most likely, he simply lost his temper and insulted them.

Perhaps Robyn ought to have forgiven this. Paedon was probably not too old when it occurred. Children don’t always get along, but it doesn’t mean the world is ending. Nevertheless, Robyn had to play the drama queen in true diva manner. She raised a lot of commotion about the affair, thus Paedon’s impoliteness had a lasting effect. It put them at odds, which could have made Paedon defensive. He hasn’t spoken well of Kody and Robyn since then. It’s unfortunate because Paedon requires a father. Even grown children require affection, encouragement, and security.

4. Paedon Brown Accused Meri Brown Of Child Abuse

Paedon went low when he accused Meri of chlid abuse, as per an interview that was posted on reality blogger John Yates’ Twitter account. He said that Meri was mean to the kids while they were in her care, and manipulative, and these allegations are very serious. He knew that he was upsetting the apple cart, as he started out by saying, “I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this.” After he remarked that Meri was unkind to the Brown kids, he really trashed her:

It moves so far past verbal. Verbal basically stopped existing. No, we were never safe around her.

Unless other Brown children speak up and back up his story, there’s no way to prove what happened. So, without proving that his version of events was real, he basically set out to ruin Meri’s reputation. If he’s telling the truth about this, he isn’t a villain, but who knows what really happened? Only the people who were there.


If he’s lying, Paedon should definitely be ashamed. Meri’s all about using barely cryptic posts to express her true feelings, without actually confronting anyone. A stronger rebuttal might have been appropriate here, but she chose to obliquely address the damaging allegations instead. Meri said, “Spent birthday #52 with a couple of my favorite people in the world. Many laughs, lots of good conversations, and tons of good food!” Meri added, via her Instagram.

She said, “On days like these, I’m reminded again of the humanity of people with good and honest hearts, the friends who have your back and stand up for you, and general goodness in the world.” Meri continued, “so grateful for friends who I can be myself with, who know my heart and my true self and cheer for me for my bright future.”

Meri obviously felt it was safer and smarter not to say anything about what had been alleged. That’s her choice. However, her weak response may not have been enough to convince followers that she was totally innocent.

3. Paedon Brown Mocked Kody & Robyn’s “Weak Immune Systems” In Season 18
During season 18, Paedon acted out once more, albeit much more lightheartedly, by making jokes about Kody and Robyn’s weakened immune systems. He was hanging out in the kitchen with his recently married mother Christine when he pulled off this admittedly hilarious villain maneuver. Paedon occasionally tempers his jabs with humor, but there’s still plenty of sarcasm to give it a little sting.
Paedon’s often a villain, but he seems to become a different person when he’s around his mother. He’s quite content in Christine’s company. They joke around and clearly have an unbreakable bond. No one can tear the mother and son apart. They’ll love each other forever. They’ve had so many ups and downs, and never faltered in terms of their devotion to each other. That won’t change.

However, Kody may never have that kind of connection with Paedon. So much has happened, and it’s possible that they will never be on speaking terms again. Hopefully, that kind of permanent break isn’t in the cards. While Kody has to spread himself very thin, due to having 18 kids, he needs to find the time to make things better with Paedon.
One issue here, which isn’t really Paedon’s fault, is Robyn. She’s not helping him to heal his relationship with Kody. In fact, she’s kept them apart. Last Christmas, Robyn feared that the clashes between Kody and his older sons would start up again during the winter holiday festivities. She didn’t want fights to spoil the special occasion, so she encouraged Kody to avoid his older male offspring at that time. That was bad advice that he shouldn’t have taken.

Robyn may be really bothersome. She’s always brewing mischief in the background. Then she acts as like she has no power over anything. It’s simply untrue. She has much control over Kody. Therefore, even if Paedon portrays the antagonist, it’s crucial to dig below the obvious to determine what motivates that anger. Is this unfair? Speaking up could help Paedon get some closure if he’s upset about how Robyn and Kody have treated him. Still, he would undoubtedly prefer to have a “real” father who supports him unconditionally.

2. Paedon Never Takes Responsibility For His Misdeeds

Paedon loves to talk about other people and put them down, but he doesn’t acknowledge his own faults. No one’s perfect, but he seems to think that he is. While he puts Kody and Robyn under a microscope, he has more privacy than them. If he was under the same type of scrutiny, what would be revealed? While Paedon’s not as famous as Kody and Robyn, he does have enough of a platform to do some damage. And he does.

What isn’t seen is him trying to make peace or make amends. He clearly is more combative than most. Paedon isn’t a peacemaker. He wants war, and seems energized by battle. Without it, he might feel empty.

1. He Admitted To Hitting Gwendlyn

Gwendlyn and Paedon are like oil and water. They’re opposites, or maybe too alike. Something’s keeping them from bonding, and their problems are seemingly beyond repair. All they can do is cut their losses by avoiding one another as much as possible. It might be safer for both of them, as things did get physical once, and Paedon was the aggressor. He admitted to hitting her, and that’s the ultimate villain move. Paedon went too far, and the circumstances don’t matter. It’s important to note that violence is never the answer. There are other ways to solve problems. So, these two hate each other, and that’s so sad. How did it come to this? A series of squabbles have put them at odds. They have no interest in being together.

Watching Sister Wives season 18 has not been easy. Some of the cast members’ worst shortcomings have been made public. Kody is getting more and more cutthroat and will stop at nothing to win Robyn over. He is making fun of the wives who are barely hanging on and shows no empathy for their thoughts or feelings. He is merely going through the motions of attempting to mend the family because he believes that if he doesn’t, Robyn won’t appreciate him.

This season has included some repulsive behavior. It has been startling in a lot of ways. Swearing, general rudeness, and a deep-seated bitterness that viewers can taste through their screens are all present. Sister Wives season 18 is difficult to look away from, much like a train accident.
