The Undead, A Homicidal Maniac, And A Territorial Girlfriend Terrorize Salem On Halloween


Chanel and Johnny cozy up on the couch in the DiMera estate and watch Scream. Holly is glumly sitting at the other end of the couch, munching on a bowl of popcorn. She tells Johnny that she’d love to watch another Scream movie with him and is snarky with Chanel, who despises horror flicks. Chanel has to open the bakery early in the morning, so Johnny walks her out. After Johnny says that fear can unite people, Holly has an epiphany.

Upon hearing the storm outside, Paulina invites Abe to stay the night — no expectations. Sitting on the couch before a bowl of popcorn, Abe maintains that they take things slow. Rafe calls Paulina to tell her a homicidal maniac just escaped Bayview. The lights temporarily go out. When they come back on, Paulina discovers Abe passed out, and Whitley standing over him with a rolling pin. Abe comes to, declaring he remembers everything. However, he lashes out at Paulina, calling her Whitley.

Stephanie finds Chad watching Pet Semetary in the living room. He turns it off when she says she’d like to talk. She doesn’t think they belong together. She does love him, though. To prove it, she wants to bring Abigail back to life. Steve and Kayla have one of Gideon’s spells that brought his beloved wife back from the dead. It can resurrect Chad’s, too. Kayla comes over with Gideon’s diary and a potion to cast the spell. Stephanie gives Kayla Abigail’s wedding ring that she found in Chad’s closet.

When Eric and Sloan arrive to the hospital, the lights are flickering and he learns that his former parishioner has passed away. After Eric leaves, Sloan runs into a sarcastic Nicole. Around the bend, a terrified Eric yells for them to flee!

In an attempt to console Tate, Johnny gives her a real knife and a ghoulish mask outside the mansion while Holly pretends to stalk her. Holly feels alarmed at seeing someone outside the French doors from within. Johnny says it’s nothing more than the storm. While locking the front doors, Holly is attacked by someone wearing a ghoul mask who slices her arm with a knife.

At Chad and Stephanie’s, Kayla pours the potion over Abigail’s ring in a canister. Smoke billows out as Abigail reads the spell. Steve arrives with pages torn from the diary that detail how Gideon’s wife turned into a rotting, murderous corpse. They hear wet footsteps outside the door. Steve pulls a gun to send Abigail back to the grave. Chad won’t allow Steve to do that and lunges for the gun. The lights go out. When they come back on, Steve’s lying motionless on the floor.

Setting down the gun, Chad notes that it never went off. Stephanie, frightened, reports seeing Abigail with a decaying face and coated in filth. After snapping Steve’s neck, she vanished. Kayla is giving chest compressions while a tearful Chad rushes outside to look for Abigail.

Eric shuts himself, Sloan, and Nicole in a hospital room with a cut on his shirt. He tells how his parishioner tried to bite him and came back to life when he was praying for him. On his way back to them, he then noticed at least five more zombies. Sloan scoffs and turns to go out the door, but stops as she sees hands scratching at the window.

When the zombies move on, Nicole blames herself for tempting fate. She confesses that she made up a virus months ago so she could get Eric’s cheek swab to test for paternity. Eric appreciates her honesty, prompting Sloan to confess Eric’s the father of Nicole’s baby. Eric’s knees buckle. He discovers he’s been bitten by one of the zombies.


At Paulina’s place, she shows Abe their wedding photo, but it has Whitley’s face photoshopped into it. Suddenly, there are a bunch of stuffed toy cats all around the apartment, and Paulina and Whitley have switched clothes. Paulina desperately tries to get through to Abe, who calls Rafe to lock up “Whitley.”

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny bandages Holly’s arm, then departs to investigate a noise. Holly sees Tate in the ghoul costume, who swears he didn’t slash her. As Holly worries about who did, the other ghoul stabs Tate in the back. He crumples to the floor. Johnny returns, and the ghoul stabs him in the gut. Holly runs to Johnny’s body, breathlessly asking the ghoul, “Who are you?!” The ghoul removes their mask, revealing it’s Chanel.

Chanel menacingly tells Holly the story of her affair with an older man and his now-dead wife who tried to come between them. As for killing Johnny, she could see he was starting to reciprocate Holly’s feelings. She wasn’t going to roll over and just let her have him. He got what he deserved, and now it’s Holly’s turn. Chanel lunges for Holly, who startles on the couch with the bowl of popcorn. She looks over at Chanel and Johnny making out. “This is my worst nightmare,” she says, slumping back into the couch.

Chad returns to his apartment to find a lifeless Kayla on the floor with Steve. Stephanie blames Abigail. Chad drops to his knees, horrified. Stephanie says she repeatedly shot Abigail, who didn’t even flinch, but she saved a bullet… for him. She aims the gun at Chad while lamenting his obsession with Abigail, which is what caused this. Now, he can wait for his beloved in hell. A gunshot goes off. Chad jolts awake on the couch. “It was just a nightmare,” he says, exhaling.

Eric haltingly states that there is just one thing that can be done in the hospital. While he toils to make a syringe, he informs the women that they must murder him. He has no desire to consume them or his unborn child. Nicole injects Eric since Sloan is unable to do it. He sags to the ground. She was unable to watch her beloved transform into an undead creature. Then Nicole stabs Sloan. As Nicole holds Eric close, she assures him that she would look after their child well. Sloan collapses. Eric is sleeping on the couch when she awakens. She shakes him awake urgently. He claims to have had a bizarre dream, but he cannot recall it. But he needs to eat.

As Paulina pleads with Abe, Whitley bashes her with the rolling pin. Paulina wakes up on her couch next to Abe, who holds their wedding photo. He wishes he could remember that day. Unsettled, she asks if he knows who she is. “You are the one and only Paulina Price,” he responds. “Damn right I am,” she states. He wishes her a Happy Halloween and turns their movie back on. A stuffed cat stares out from a table behind them.

Next on Days of Our Lives, Tate confides in Eric, while someone else gets blackmailed.

