Morgan Freeman Was In Disbelief After One Small Gesture From Clint Eastwood


With a brilliantly star-studded career, Morgan Freeman is undoubtedly one of Hollywood’s most praised and reputable celebrities. Starring in movies such as The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and Seven (1995), the actor-turned-producer has experienced and presented it all to his global fan base. However, the actor was shocked by a seemingly insignificant act of kindness from a legendary co-celebrity in the entertainment world!

Clint Eastwood, a well-known actor and director, was this co-celebrity. He approached Freeman’s agent directly to offer the actor a role in his 1992 western blockbuster, Unforgiven.

Morgan Freeman Was Stunned When Offered Unforgiven By Clint Eastwood

Unforgiven, starring Clint Eastwood, became an instant hit and a fan favorite in 1992. In it, Gene Hackman played sheriff Little Bill Daggett, played by the actor-turned-filmmaker Muny, and Morgan Freeman played the amazing role of Ned Logan.

Even more unexpected than his outstanding performance in the movie was the actor from The Shawshank Redemption’s startling look of incredulity upon learning that the Million Dollar Baby star had asked him to be in his own movie.

“I was in Africa when I got the call for Unforgiven (1992). Clint called my agency and made an offer for a Western. I was like ‘He called for me?’ It was jaw-dropping.”

However, even with his starstruck reaction to finding out that Clint Eastwood himself wanted him in his superhit film, Morgan Freeman still did an exceptional job at giving the most epic performance of a lifetime as Ned Logan.

Morgan Freeman Has A Bucket List Of Favorite Actors As Well


It would surprise most people to learn that Morgan Freeman has a bucket list of his own, from which he occasionally crosses out his favorite celebs, given how highly regarded and respected he is in the entertainment industry. The Going in Style actor said the following in an interview with when talking about his movie The Bucket List, which he co-starred in with Jack Nicholson:

I believe that everyone has a personal bucket list; even if it’s not out in writing, you probably have one someplace. I just crossed [Jack Nicholson] off the list; I tick them off all the time. Perhaps I should have said “moved him down,” rather than “checked him off.”

During another interview, he gushed on about working with the favorite actors he had on his bucket list:

“Every day was a holiday because I’ve been praying at the temple of Jack ever since Five Easy Pieces (1970). I had a chance to ride with him on the Warner Brothers plane with Clint [Eastwood]. I got to jawing what a fan I was, and as actors will do, he expressed how he liked my work. Then we started talking about how we could make a sequel to [the 1973 Nicholson film] The Last Detail (1973). But that didn’t pan out.”

Turns out even legendary celebrities like Morgan Freeman can be caught starstruck by their peers and other legendary actors!
