To House Of The Dragon Fans: Sorry, But The Greens Are Right (Even Though We Love The Blacks)


HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon is about a war fought between rival factions of the Targaryen family: one on side is King Aegon II Targaryen, who actually sits the Iron Throne; his supportors are known as the Greens. On the other is Aegon’s older half-sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, who rules in abstentia from the isle of Dragonstone; her supports are known as the Blacks.

The war between these two factions will heat up in the show’s second season. The tagline for season 2 is “All Must Choose.” That applies to fans as well as to the characters. One might find themselves torn between the lovable charm of the Blacks and the seemingly righteous cause of the Greens. But fear not, dear reader, for I am here to shed some light on why the Greens might actually be onto something, despite the Blacks having more likable characters among their ranks.

Before everyone starts yelling at me or throwing tomatoes in my direction, hear me out. Even though it may not seem like it, I am 100% a supporter of Team Black. Rhaenyra, with her fierce determination and rightful claim to the Iron Throne, has earned a soft spot in my heart. But just because we all love them, it doesn’t put them on the right side of things. But — and this is a big, fire-breathing but — being a fan doesn’t mean we should turn a blind eye to some of the questionable moves made by the Blacks, nor does it mean that they’re on the right side of history. Let’s unpack this, shall we?

The case for Rhaenyra Targaryen

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way: Rhaenyra is a total badass. From a young age, she was groomed for leadership. Her father, King Viserys I, named her his heir, a decision that defied the male-dominated norms of Westerosi society. Rhaenyra symbolizes progress and a challenge to the patriarchal status quo. Plus, she rides a dragon like nobody’s business. Who wouldn’t root for that?

Her claim to the throne is legitimate. Her father’s word, the support of key lords, and her Targaryen blood all make her a strong contender. She’s intelligent, strategic, and has a vision for a more inclusive and just Westeros. However, the road to power in Westeros is paved with treachery and bloodshed, and Rhaenyra’s journey is no exception.

The dark side of the Blacks

While Rhaenyra and her supporters are easy to love, their methods often stray into morally gray territory. Remember, this is a family drama with dragons and deadly politics, and no one’s hands are clean. Here are a few points where the Blacks’ actions get a bit murky:

1. The Driftmark Controversy

The inheritance of Driftmark is a prime example. Rhaenyra passes off her children by Harwin Strong as the legitimate children of her husband Laenor Velaryon. The Blacks fiercely defend the legitimacy of Rhaenyra’s sons, but the realm isn’t convinced (and neither is Rhaenyra’s eldest son Jace, whom she does not tell the truth). This issue raises questions about honesty and the lengths the Blacks will go to secure power.

2. The Dance of the Dragons

The civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons is a brutal conflict with devastating consequences for the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaenyra’s desire to claim her throne leads to widespread death and destruction. While her claim is just, the cost in human lives and the suffering inflicted can’t be ignored. The Blacks’ pursuit of power isn’t just a noble crusade; it’s also a ruthless battle that leaves countless innocents dead in its wake.


3. Allegiances and Betrayals

Let’s not forget the alliances and betrayals. The Blacks aren’t above playing dirty. The infamous Blood and Cheese incident, where [REDACTED BECAUSE I HATE SPOILING THINGS] is a dark stain on their record. It’s a gruesome act of vengeance that highlights the brutal lengths to which they’ll go to secure victory, and it will probably happen early in season 2.
The Greens aren’t saints either

Before anyone accuses me of switching sides, let’s make it clear: The Greens are no angels. King Aegon, his mother Alicent Hightower, and others in this faction play their own twisted games, manipulating events to put Aegon on the throne. Their machinations and underhanded tactics make them formidable foes, but they’re equally culpable in the ensuing chaos.

The Bigger Picture

At the end of the day, House of the Dragon is a tale of power, ambition, and the complex human emotions that drive us. Rhaenyra and the Blacks represent a push for progress and change, challenging outdated norms and striving for a better world. However, their methods and the consequences of their actions remind us that even the noblest causes can lead to dark places. Supporting the Blacks means embracing the complexity of their journey. It’s about recognizing Rhaenyra’s rightful claim and her fight against a male-dominated society while also acknowledging the moral ambiguities and questionable decisions she and her team make along the way.

The Greens, led by King Aegon II Targaryen, present themselves as the legitimate rulers of the Seven Kingdoms, holding onto traditions and laws that have long governed the realm. They believe in upholding order and stability. On the other hand, the Blacks, under the inspiring leadership of Rhaenyra Targaryen, capture our hearts with their passion. They fight for justice, equality, and what they believe is rightfully theirs. Rhaenyra’s determination to claim her birthright as the first ruling queen of the Seven Kingdoms is undeniably captivating.

But… what if I told you that the Greens, despite their rigid adherence to tradition and rules, might possess a certain foresight that the Blacks lack? In this complex dance of power and politics, the Greens’ conservative approach is a counterbalance to the impulsive nature of The Blacks. By upholding traditions and rules, The Greens may indeed possess a foresight that The Blacks lack, foreseeing the dangers of destabilizing the realm in pursuit of individual ambitions. The next time you find yourself rooting for the charismatic heroes on Team Black, take a moment to appreciate the vital role that the Greens play in preventing a descent into chaos and anarchy. In a world where dragons rule the skies and power hangs by a thread, perhaps a bit of caution and tradition isn’t such a bad thing after all.

In a story filled with shades of grey, perhaps the true path to peace and prosperity lies in a delicate balance between tradition and change. Who knows, maybe The Greens have a point after all.


