Meri Brown Trusts The Wrong Co-Wife: Sister Wives?


Sister Wives star Meri Brown still counts on one co-wife for support, but the woman she once called her “BFF” seems a little low on empathy this season on the TLC series. Fans who follow her online seem to think she’s putting too much trust in Robyn Brown. After last week’s episode, it looks as if Meri might start to realize this herself.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown’s Sorrow Seeps Through
As the show’s fans learn what Meri Brown is facing this season, they are filled with sorrow. When you consider the overall scenario, some fans contend that Robyn Brown is not the one who deserves to have a good weep for herself, but rather the first wife. Fans sometimes begin by criticizing Robyn Brown’s opulent residence, which she both owns and resides in. According to rumors, the founding matriarch of the Sister Wives spent her own cash to assist wife number four in purchasing the property. But when she sees Robyn, she essentially sits outside in the cold.

Fans speculate that the first wife may still provide financial support for Kody Brown and his youngest wife at this time in Season 18. Meri Brown is in pain as she watches her shared husband and his youngest bride because, as she put it, she feels like the third wheel. Robyn, though, keeps talking about how she’s confused about what happened to the family. Robyn never takes a breath to express sympathy for what her co-wife is experiencing. At least, this is how many spectators perceive the situation.

Someone Who Does Seem to Care

While Meri Brown fights this losing battle trying to find a way back to her husband, the wife he lives with is of no help. When she spends Christmas with Robyn and Kody, Meri appears uncomfortable. Then the fans find out why as they watched the last episode. Kody said that he and Robyn try not to let his first wife see the romantic tension growing between the two.

It makes sense then that she claims to feel like the third wheel. In any case, going back to Robyn and her lack of sympathy for her co-wife, some Sister Wives viewers can already see the writing on the wall. They imply that the youngest wife will always be devoted to her husband, regardless of what happens to her former closest friend. Christine Brown spoke up in the Sister Wives episode from the previous week. She claimed to have witnessed Kody’s years-long entrapment of Meri Brown. This wasn’t meant to be ironic. Christine shown sincere compassion towards her. Robyn’s only statement to Meri is, “Kody does what he wants to do.”


So, it looks like the co-wife that Meri no longer talks to is the one who seems to understand her and empathizes with her the best – Christine.

Sister Wives: Meri Questions Robyn Brown’s Motives

There comes a moment when Meri stops referring to Robyn as her best friend and starts referring to Jenn Sullivan as her BFF. Fans may get a glimpse of the route she took to get there this season, it appears. On Sister Wives, one incident surfaced the previous week. Around Christmas, Robyn informed Meri that Ysabel Brown and two of her sisters visited. Ysabel and Meri are close, and Meri was unaware that she was in town. That stung, so.

Meri then expressed her confusion at Robyn’s decision to tell her that during the confessional segment. At that time, she was still residing in Flagstaff. Robyn might have called Meri and let her know she was there. even consider inviting her over. No, she informs her post-facto, which seems to incite some hostility. Fans of Sister Wives were everywhere in that scenario. Robyn provided an explanation rather than showing concern over merely offending Meri. She claimed she had no influence over anything.

Then there’s Christine Brown, who seemed to have a place in her heart for Meri Brown last week. Yes, the first and the third wives are estranged, but there is still some love and compassion showing through from Christine. So today Sister Wives fans wonder if Meri Brown picked the wrong co-wife to look to for support as the TLC series rolls along.
