Big Brother 26 Week 2 Power Of Veto Results (Spoilers)


The Big Brother 26 week 2 Power of Veto competition has been played, and its winner is Kenney Kelley. Kenney was nominated by the Big Brother 26 week 2 Head of Household (HOH) Chelsie Baham, along with Angela Murray and Lisa Weintraub. Chelsie’s actual target for eviction is Lisa. Chelsie originally considered possibly using all pawns in order to try to get Lisa, who she incorrectly suspects has a power, out of the house. Kenney volunteered to be a pawn, as did Cam Sullivan-Brown, but then Chelsie changed her mind and put Lisa up as one of the initial nominees.

The Big Brother 26 live feeds have revealed that Kenney won the Power of Veto. He played against HOH Chelsie, his fellow nominees Angela and Lisa, and Brooklyn Rivera and Joseph Rodriguez, who were chosen by random draw. Kenney told Leah Peters that he would use the Power of Veto to save himself from the chopping block, which was good to hear because he’s considered giving up on the game at various points, including when he was nominated last week against ally Matt Hardeman, and when he missed his daughter’s birthday because he was in the house.

How Could The BB A.I. Arena Change Things?

Angela & Lisa Could Still Save Themselves

In a regular season of Big Brother, Lisa’s fate would’ve been sealed because she didn’t win the Power of Veto, but she still has another chance to save herself in the BB A.I. Arena competition on eviction night. It’ll be interesting to see if Chelsie goes back to her idea of nominating a pawn against Angela and Lisa, or if she chooses a new target. Nominating a strong player such as Cam as a pawn would be a good idea because they could possibly win the A.I. Arena competition, leaving both Lisa and Angela on the chopping block.


It’s also possible that, if Angela is still on the chopping block before the vote, then the house could turn on her, especially after her meltdown last week. Angela’s paranoia about her alliance The Collective turning on her, plus her fiery speech against first evictee Matt, whom she made cry after calling him “Crazy Eyes” and saying that his mother would see that he was “a straight-up disrespectful brat,” made her fellow houseguests think twice about working with her. It’ll be very interesting to see what happens during the next week because things change quickly in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 26 has made the backdooring of houseguests impossible because they’ll always have the chance to save themselves in the BB A.I. Arena, so Chelsie really couldn’t have backdoored Lisa by using pawns. This makes the HOH’s job much more challenging because it makes the live eviction so unpredictable. However, it’s very exciting for viewers, especially live feeders, because the evictions aren’t a completely foregone conclusion before the live episode. Now that Kenney will save himself with the Power of Veto, Chelsie has to be very careful about her replacement nominee in order to ensure that things go her way this week.
