Sister Wives’ Kody Gets Melodramatic Over Robyn Favoritism (What’s Wrong With Him?)


Sister Wives Kody Brown has been melodramatic about his relationships for years, but his melodrama about favoriting Robyn is at an all-time high.

Sibling Wives Throughout the most recent season of the show, Kody Brown has been more overly theatrical than ever, demonstrating that he doesn’t have much control over his emotions. Sister Wives season 18 has been highlighting the challenging lives of the Brown family as Kody’s marriages to his wives start to fall apart as one of the most thrilling reality TV shows currently airing. Since the early 1990s, Kody has been married to Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, and Christine Brown. In 2010, he met Robyn Brown, who will become his fourth wife. Despite his furious denials, it is obvious that Kody prefers Robyn to his other spouses because their relationship has been the most passionate of his partnerships.

All throughout Sister Wives season 18, Kody has been acting out about his split from Christine as well as his relationship with Janelle. After Christine left Kody in 2021, he had a difficult time moving past the betrayal he felt and let it seep into his other relationships. During a recent episode of Sister Wives season 18, Kody fought with Janelle and the pair got to a point of no return, both feeling like their marriage was ending. While Kody’s been open about his feelings to his wives to an extent, the fact that he’s having such a difficult time separating his relationships is becoming a huge detriment to his emotional well-being as well as his wives.

Kody Brown Knows The Truth

Kody’s been aware of his relationship drama for ages, but pretends to be shocked when his wives realize favors one over the others. While Robyn has been in the family for the least amount of time, it’s become abundantly clear throughout the years that Kody’s connections with Robyn is vastly different than what he shares with his other wives. For Kody, his marriage to Robyn was less about adding in another wife to the Brown family and more about genuine feelings. Kody married Robyn legally after divorcing Meri so he could adopt her children, changing the dynamics of his family irrevocably. From the moment he chose to put her above the rest of his marriages, it was clear Robyn was at the top of his list.

Kody pretends as though his preference for Robyn is unfounded, even though it has never been a secret. He is aware that he has changed everything in his life to include Robyn in their family and has made it known that he values Robyn’s opinion over that of his other spouses. It’s sometimes amusing to see Kody pretend that Robyn isn’t the most significant relationship in his life in Sister Wives season 18, especially now that she’s the only wife he still has. He sometimes comes out as melodramatic and overly harsh since he refuses to admit that he has a favorite wife, brushes aside the accusation, and presents all of his wives as equally treated.

Kody Needs To Take Accountability

Even though it’s probably not the ideal decision in a plural marriage, Kody needs to be honest now that he just has one wife left and is thinking about trying monogamy with Robyn. Robyn has always been Kody’s favorite and the object of his affection more so than his other spouses. Viewers of Sister Wives season 18 would like Kody more if he could own up to his mistakes, from his evident favoritism to his overpowering feeling of denial surrounding it. If Kody could just admit that his connection with Robyn is more romantically attractive to him than any of his other wives, people would respect him more than if he tried to portray himself as the ideal husband to all of his wives.


Kody’s not much of a truth-teller, especially when it comes to talking about his relationships. He’s always kept up a facade of buying into plural marriage, especially throughout Sister Wives, but watching him lie about his feelings is exhausting at times. If Kody could take accountability and simply admit that he fell deeper in love with Robyn after years of marriages that he was treating transactionally, viewers and his family alike would likely be able to have a bit more ease in dealing with him. Kody, in turn, would be able to act less dramatically throughout his time on Sister Wives.

Kody Ruined The Brown Family

While Kody has always been Sister Wives biggest proponent of plural marriage, he’s failed when it comes to keeping his family together. After choosing Robyn to join the family and legally marrying her so he could adopt her children from a previous marriage, Kody fell into a honeymoon stage that made his other wives tremendously jealous. Dealing with Christine’s emotions about no longer being the most recent wife, Janelle’s confusion about the way Kody was treating her children, and Meri’s dismissal about their marriage and lack of attraction, Kody decided to simply ignore many of the issues he saw his other wives holding onto. Instead, he chose to favor Robyn, taking her on a honeymoon and showering her love and affection while his other wives festered in frustration.

Keep Robyn’s love up and center was what mattered most to Kody. Since he was most content with Robyn, he didn’t care to express his sentiments to his other wives or pursue relationships with them. He also knew that his other wives would probably stick with their partnerships for the benefit of their kids and the family as a whole. Instead than addressing his lack of affections for Christine, Janelle, or Meri, Kody sunk even more into his preference for Robyn while continuing to deny that he was doing so. Kody knew he had a lot to lose as a public figure when it came to keeping both his relationships and his reputation intact.

Robyn Pretends She’s Not The Favorite

Kody’s behavior is also influenced by Robyn, who over the years has gained Kody’s love. Although she has no influence over Kody or his choices, she has contributed to the other wives of Kody ending their relationships by trying to portray herself as the victim. Robyn tries to play the middle and relish in Kody’s mistreatment, acting like he doesn’t favor her most of the time, rather than accepting that each of Kody’s relationships is unique. It has been painful to observe her attitude toward Kody’s marriages, particularly throughout Sister Wives season 18.

Robyn has attempted to connect with Christine, Janelle, and Meri over the years regarding their connections with Kody rather than just accepting that she is a part of the issue. The fact that Robyn won’t acknowledge that she’s preferred is probably one of the main reasons she and his previous wives don’t get along, even though they don’t blame her for Kody’s feelings. As his other marriages fall apart, Robyn and Kody’s connection is still being explored in Sister Wives season 18. Everyone in the Brown family might emerge from this season in a better place if Robyn and Kody were to honestly confess where they stand.

Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.
