A Conspiring Theresa And Konstantin Reveal Victor’S True Son, While Sloan Scrambles To Keep Her Secret


At home, Sloan informs Eric that Melinda claims the adoption is all almost finalized. Before he shares that he spoke with Nicole at the hospital, they rejoice. When Eric mentions Nicole picked up her baby’s DNA report, Sloan becomes alarmed. She goes by saying she has to visit a client who is in jail. Sloan hurriedly describes how she will simply swipe envelopes at the mansion since she still has a copy of the report (presumably in her bag) in the corridor. She only wishes Nicole and EJ hadn’t already read the report.

While on the phone at the DiMera mansion, EJ starts to jot a note on an envelope. He writes two numbers before Nicole stops him, explaining it contains their baby’s genetic testing report. EJ notes the report also names him as the father, which makes him ecstatically happy. He plans to put the report in the safe, but first, he wants to read it again. However, a phone call pulls him away.

Xander comes to Alex’s place, ordering his cousin to resign as CEO of Titan and give Maggie her job back. When Alex pushes back, Xander points out Victor didn’t name him CEO in his will. If Xander were Victor’s son, he’d want to honor his wishes.

Brady visits Maggie, who informs him that Konstantin just prepared her a beautiful supper but will be departing the following day. Brady observes that Konstantin seems to have made her day better as she eats baklava. Maggie claims that despite not having heard of him, Victor and Konstantin had a genuine connection. Konstantin even received a loan from Victor for his first business and Victor refused to pay it back. That doesn’t sound like Victor, in Brady’s opinion. Maggie believes that only demonstrates how significant Konstantin was to him. Brady agrees that the circumstances surrounding Alex don’t resemble Victor’s. He finds it hard to think Victor kept that a secret.

Konstantin comes to Theresa’s Salem Inn room as she packs. He asks if she’s still trying to get her hooks into Victor’s long-lost son. Theresa informs him she’s moving in with Alex. A flashback reveals Konstantin coming to Alex’s hotel room in Greece as Theresa reads Victor’s will. He barges in to grab it. He grows irate, discovering Victor left him nothing.

At Alex’s apartment, Xander states Victor didn’t want Alex running the company. Xander also doesn’t think it makes sense for Victor to rewrite his will, cutting everyone out but him. Alex says he might have the money and the job, but he also just found out the man he thought was his father isn’t. Xander scoffs. Alex’s always been loved and accepted in this family. Unlike him, who Victor treated like an outsider and an embarrassment. As far as Xander is concerned, Alex is one lucky bastard.

At the Salem Inn, Theresa points out she was interested in Alex before they read the will. That may be, Konstantin says, but after she got a peek at it, she was like a heat-seeking missile. In flashback, Konstantin rants over his father giving Victor seed money to start his business, which led to his fortune. Konstantin reveals he was the one who talked him into writing a new will, but still, Victor left him out of it. When Theresa asks how he knew the will was there, Konstantin explains he had a man watch the place. When the head of the ISA came by with a battered briefcase, he made an educated guess. Konstantin finds the letter naming Victor’s long-lost son. However, it names Xander as said son, not Alex.

In the present, Konstantin and Theresa express surprise over that reveal, but Konstantin does know Victor had an affair with Titus’ wife. In flashback, Theresa reels over Xander being Victor’s son. She calls him a piece of garbage. Konstantin is well aware. His father did business with him, and Xander robbed him blind. Now, that criminal gets to be a zillionaire while he gets nothing?! Of the two Alexanders in the Kiriakis family, Theresa wonders why it couldn’t have been the handsome, charming one. Oh, wait. Maybe it still could be, she says smirking. In the present, Konstantin says it’s a pity that Alex will never know what they did for him.


When Marlena visits Eric at home, she questions Sloan tending to a client so late at night. Eric knows she doesn’t like her, but she makes him happy. That’s all Marlena cares about, so she’s fine with her.

As EJ’s about to open the DNA report envelope, the doorbell rings. Sloan slips in through the French doors, as EJ answers the front door to no one. In the living room, Sloan holds up two identical envelopes. The written numbers on EJ and Nicole’s report face away from her. Before EJ returns, Sloan sets down an envelope with the numbers on it and flees.

At Alex’s place, he declares that if Xander thinks he would have traded Justin as his dad for Victor’s money, he doesn’t know a damn thing about him. At least Xander knows who his parents are. It’s highly unlikely he’ll ever be told that he was wrong and his life was a lie.

Theresa acknowledges at the Salem Inn that she feels bad about depriving Alex of a father. Theresa informs Konstantin in a flashback that changing Anjelica Deveraux’s name to appear at the bottom of the letter wouldn’t be difficult. Victor didn’t name his son, so she wouldn’t even need to change the will. This can be accomplished by her. We can make this happen, Konstantin asserts, offering to get her a forgery of a letter that no one will suspect. She accepts our partnership. Theresa informs Konstantin that she can’t guarantee when he will receive his paycheck because she is unsure of how long it will take Alex to propose. Konstantin will simply have to remain here.

As Xander leaves Alex’s place, he opens the door to Theresa. He laughs upon learning Theresa is moving in. “Victor has a new rich son, and Theresa is already on the case.” After Xander leaves, Alex tells Theresa not to listen to Xander. He’s just jealous this didn’t happen to him.

Konstantin returns to Maggie with daffodils — her favorite. He tells her it’s time for him to leave, but Maggie invites him to stay as long as he likes. Having him there would be a pleasure.
Nicole discovers EJ depositing the DNA findings in the safe at the DiMera house. He will study the report later because he has more work to attend to. Sloan leaves and goes back home. Marlena invites Eric and her for supper after a brief period of polite chat. While Sloan is left to destroy her copy of the DNA results, Eric walks Marlena out.
On the upcoming episode of Days of Our Lives, Leo and Dimitri try to avoid police while Ava deals with new muscle.

