The ending of Outlander season 7 implied that Master Raymond wronged Claire in season 2, but one dark moment could explain why. In the most recent finale, Claire concluded that her first daughter, Faith, had somehow lived even though she had been stillborn decades earlier. While it’s currently unclear precisely how this would be possible, Claire’s vision of Master Raymond hints that the mysterious man has something to do with it. However, resurrecting Claire’s baby but keeping the child from her mother would be horribly cruel.
Though Master Raymond’s morality is ambiguous in Outlander, Claire considered him a friend. He appeared at her bedside after her miscarriage in Outlander season 2, episode 7, “Faith,” and used his magical healing abilities to remove the infection from Claire’s body. However, when Master Raymond again appeared by Claire’s side during her dream in season 7’s finale, he apologized for some way that he had wronged her. The implication is that Master Raymond brought Faith back to life but, for some reason, didn’t tell Claire about it. This would be a betrayal of friendship, but there might have been a good reason.
King Louis XV’s Big Witch Hunt In Outlander Season 2 Could Explain Master Raymond’s Deception
Master Raymond Was In A Dangerous Situation
After Master Raymond saved Claire’s life in Outlander season 2, she returned the favor when King Louis XV asked her to weigh judgement on a dark and mysterious witch trial. It was stated several times during Jamie and Claire’s time in Paris that the French ruler was cracking down on witchcraft. This made Master Raymond vulnerable, and he was supposed to have fled France when he found and healed Claire at L’Hôpital des Anges. This decision nearly cost Master Raymond dearly. He was arrested and brought before the king to die. Thankfully, Claire manipulated the king into setting her friend free.
It’s possible that Master Raymond’s arrest and King Louis XV’s eagerness to kill witches had everything to do with why Claire wasn’t reunited with her infant daughter. Firstly, once Master Raymond brought Faith back to life, he couldn’t have just left the baby with Claire at the hospital. The nuns would have surely become alarmed, and may have handed Claire and the baby right over to the king for suspected witchcraft. Master Raymond may have planned on returning Faith to Claire once she left the hospital, but his subsequent arrest could have gotten in the way.
Claire Being Reunited With Faith Would Have Completely Changed Her Outlander Story
Master Raymond May Have Needed Claire To Continue Her Journey
While King Louis XV’s witch hunt would have made it difficult for Master Raymond to reunite Claire with her daughter, it’s also possible that this is simply what fate demanded. Jamie and Claire were eager to leave France after Faith’s death, so they returned to Scotland to push through the Jacobite uprising. Before long, they became pregnant with Brianna, the central reason that Claire went back through the stones to the 20th century. Had she not done this, Brianna wouldn’t have met Roger, their children wouldn’t have been born, and so much more in Outlander would have gone differently.
Master Raymond may be a man burdened with knowledge, and it could be up to him to ensure that destiny plays out precisely as it should.
Master Raymond’s apology to Claire in Outlander season 7 implies that he knew he had wronged her. He may have had a good reason, but he appears to regret the pain this will inevitably cause Claire and her family. Master Raymond may be a man burdened with knowledge, and it could be up to him to ensure that destiny plays out precisely as it should. Outlander season 8 is sure to reveal that there is some importance to Claire only finding out the truth about Faith years later. Everyone from King Louis XV to Claire herself only played their part.