After Reluctantly Helping Nicole Give Birth, Dimitri Shows Up On Sloan’S Doorstep With A Baby


Leo and Dimitri orient themselves after stopping their careening automobile. Leo wants to check on the car after they crashed into a railing, but Dimitri wants to continue. Reluctantly, Dimitri follows Leo, who finds Nicole unconscious in the front seat.

EJ calls Nicole back immediately after overhearing her talk about driving while distracted. Holly walks over, curious as to what’s wrong. EJ concedes that he may have heard a crash. She is told to stay near the phone and he promises to find Nicole.

After finding Jada wincing in pain at the motel, Rafe brings her to the hospital. Once there, Jada ices her head while bemoaning Leo and Dimitri overpowering her and taking her car. Rafe assures her they’ll find them and leaves to get a doctor.

At Sloan’s apartment, Melinda reports the mother of the baby pulled the plug on the deal after learning who Sloan was. Sloan thinks she can meet her in person and show the real her. Melinda shoots her a wary glance. Sloan knows that’s a bad idea, but what is she supposed to do with Eric already making plans to be a dad? Perhaps it’s time to tell him about his child.

Dimitri wants to run off on the side of the road, but Leo is adamant that they stay. Nicole sighs. Once she’s on the ground, Dimitri tries to dial 911 but is unable to get through. Nicole announces the arrival of the baby as the runaways argue over whether to flee or offer assistance. Nicole is told to tighten her leg muscles by Leo, and he will take her to University Hospital by car. Nicole announces, panting, “The baby is coming, and he has to deliver it.” Leo and Dimitri shake their heads no in panic.

As things intensify, Dimitri stays on the sidelines while an anxious Leo hypes himself up to deliver Nicole’s baby. “I’m going to pretend I am Dr. Leo Stark, who has delivered millions of babies so brilliantly that when they pop out, they just smile and wave.” He confidently crouches down, telling Nicole to take one last deep breath and push. Dimitri joins Leo for support. He pats Nicole on the shoulder and demonstrates Lamaze breathing.

As Rafe checks in with the station in the hospital lobby, EJ darts off the elevator toward him. After hearing about Nicole, Rafe calls to put people on it, which isn’t enough for EJ. Rafe also has fugitives and an injured detective to worry about, so he’ll let EJ know if he hears anything.
At the apartment, Melinda tries to talk Sloan out of telling Eric the truth. She can find another baby, but Sloan is done. Eric needs to know he’s about to be a father any day now. Melinda points out Eric will leave her so fast her head will spin. Sloan won’t tell him the whole truth. She’ll say there was a mix-up at the lab and even help raise the baby. Melinda mocks her plan, reminding her she can have it all without risking everything.

Tate comes to the Pub and congratulates Eric on his wedding. Eric excitedly relays they’re also adopting a baby boy. Holly rushes into the Pub, declaring something happened to her mom. As she explains they don’t know where Nicole is, Tate mentions his parents made him turn on location sharing on his phone. Holly realizes they did the same and finds her mother. Eric races out while Tate stays with Holly.


On the side of the road, Leo and Dimitri adoringly gaze at Nicole, who holds her baby boy. She cries, calling him a miracle. Dimitri can’t believe they just did that. It’s the first time Leo felt important, like he had a purpose. Since the baby’s premature, Nicole asks them to get them to the hospital right away. Leo doesn’t want to move her with her injuries. Nicole says they have to. Leo suggests he wait with Nicole for an ambulance while Dimitri takes the baby to the hospital.

Dimitri balks at splitting up, but Leo promises to meet him at the park behind the hospital. He muses they’ll be earning good karma, and the world will owe them one. Dimitri softens. He loves Leo, but he’s crazy. He’s also not sure how to feel about Leo taking charge. “But you’re going do it, right?” Leo asks. Dimitri plants a long kiss on him. “I hate you,” he teasingly says. Leo gently convinces Nicole this is the right thing to do. She hesitantly hands her baby to Leo, who passes him to Dimitri with instructions to drive very carefully. Leo assures a weepy Nicole he’s got her.

Rafe returns to EJ after checking on Jada, who is not happy about spending the night at the hospital for observation. Rafe is yelled upon by EJ to do action over Nicole. Rafe snaps back, “I was just with my injured detective,” pointing to her head with a gun aimed at it. He will wish he had never been born when he discovers Von Leuschner. Dimitri appears in the distance with the infant, but he quickly disappears out of sight. Rafe is accused by EJ of not wanting to assist him or Nicole since his only concern is keeping his sister out of jail for a homicide allegation. Rafe will overlook that because of Nicole, but if EJ says that again, he will attack. EJ stalks off to locate Nicole on his own.

A car screeches to a stop as Leo sits with Nicole on the side of the road. Eric races to them, and Leo scampers away. As Eric starts to call for help, Nicole weakly tells him she had the baby. Eric asks where it is. Nicole looks around, confused.

Holly worries about her mother when Tate brings her back to the mansion. Tate gives her a hug and tells her all will be alright. When Rafe goes back to Jada’s hospital room, she’s not there. Leo arrives at the park in the interim, but Dimitri is not there. However, Jada appears. She sneers, “This should be how easy every arrest is.” Sloan says she can’t hide Eric’s baby from him at the flat. “I’m going to track down Eric and give him the truth.” When Sloan opens the door to go, she discovers Dimitri holding the infant in a sheepish manner.

Next on Days of Our Lives, Rafe demands information from Leo, while Sloan learns what happened.


