Between Tom Cruise And Sam Reid, One Lestat Is Better Than The Other


Two actors play this monster, but who did it better?

Lestat has been a contentious character since his introduction in Anne Rice’s 1976 novel Interview with the Vampire. A rock star, a romantic, and an abusive monster all rolled into one. For a time, the 1994 film adaption of the same name reigned supreme in the world of homoerotic gothic horror. Tom Cruise plays Lestat, and Brad Pitt would have played his would-be romantic interest Louis if the film hadn’t shied away from it. This film has become iconic, not just because of the actor’s renown, but also because of the film’s storyline and visual language. That is, however, until the AMC adaptation of Interview with the Vampire completely blew the original out of the water. With two very different adaptations of the source material, who was able to capture the essence of the vampire Lestat the best, Tom Cruise or Sam Reid?

Tom Cruise’s Lestat Misses the Mark With the Essence of the Character

Where Tom Cruise’s strength’s lie are making his Lestat deliciously creepy. From the iconic dinner table scene where he kills a rat and pours its blood into a glass for Louis, to late in the film when we return to him in his withering, monstrous form. That is where, unfortunately, most of the positives end for this Lestat (and the adaptation as a whole.)

The 1994 picture was one of the most iconic vampire films of the last few decades, but revisiting it seems hollow. The production is wonderful, and the cast is stunning. However, Tom Cruise appears to be miscast in the part. He doesn’t bring enough to the table to give Lestat justice on film. The most serious issue is most likely his fury and intimidation. There is never a sense that Lestat’s rage or threats are genuine. Even if they do come to pass in the story, it still feels like Tom Cruise is playing a vampire rather than slipping into the role.

Of course, not everything is his fault. He has to juggle a two-hour film where he is missing for a large portion of it, so Cruise does not get as much screen time to play around with. They’ve stripped away most of the romance between Lestat and Louis; the only thing left are hints towards it. That alone is a major disservice to the story, characters, and Anne Rice. This isn’t to say Cruise’s performance is terrible, but it could have been a lot better, both on his part and the script. The film is still undoubtedly a classic, probably due to its all-star cast, but Lestat especially leaves a lot to be desired coming off this film.

Sam Reid

On the opposite end, and twenty-eight years later, Sam Reid is an absolute vision to behold as Lestat de Lioncourt in AMC’s production of Interview with the Vampire. In this reboot of The Vampire Chronicles, we get an updated setting in both the past and present sections of the narrative, richer storytelling, and incredible performances across the board. It is no wonder why AMC was so confident in this show a season two was greenlit before the first season had even aired.

Sam Reid gets to disappear into the character of Lestat, perhaps becoming the quintessential version of the character everyone will remember in the future. Reid does have a technical leg up on Cruise simply because this is a series and not a film. Reid gets much more screen time to develop his Lestat, across all seven episodes. He does not have to deal with an absence like Cruise did, at least not yet, because they have not gotten that far within the story. Instead, Reid gets to slow-burn Lestat’s descent into madness, or at least the reveal of it, as we meet him through Louis (Jacob Anderson) and their romantic connection.


So much of this version of Lestat is his allure, and in the beginning his subtle control over Louis. It was really important to nail his charisma, so it is easier to overlook his more negative aspects in the beginning. That is what makes the later episodes so heartbreaking, as it becomes clear that he is an abuser, and in each episode, it gets elevated. It is not just abuse in their relationship, but also towards Claudia (Bailey Bass) who is essentially their daughter.
Reid Excels Where Cruise Failed

Sam Reid’s strongest suit is where Tom Cruise falls short: Lestat’s rage and fury. Whereas Cruise appears to be portraying a caricature of Lestat at times, Reid’s ability to channel wrath for Lestat’s later violent episodes makes a tremendous difference. Reid’s Lestat is terrible, menacing, and an uncontrollable horror force, and he feels genuine. All hidden behind his menacingly attractive face. Reid, if he hasn’t already, will become the iconic Lestat in time, simply because he spent (and was given) so much time and effort fleshing out the role with his excellent portrayal. Reid leaves you craving more of his performance of Lestat, even after all the ghastly things he does in this first season. He’s just that good in the role.

AMC’s Immortal Universe is just getting started, and with Interview with the Vampire already being renewed for a second season, look to see more Lestat in the future. While it’s clear the story is heading in the same direction of the novel, and Lestat could potentially take a backseat role next season, we are not done with him. Lestat has a huge future ahead of him, and one that only Reid can follow through with. Before he becomes the iconic rock star he is in the novels, he still has to go through his horrific journey, one that brings him near death, only feeding on animals (which is hinted at in one of the final scenes of the season), before he eventually regains strength and joins a rock band. A far cry from the more serious aspects the series has taken on, but if anyone can take this role with sincerity and care, it’s Reid. In just a short comparison of both Lestats, it’s clear that Cruise’s interpretation lands nowhere near Reid’s careful and precise performance we have today.
