Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 6: Monday Daytime Highlights


It was a dramatic and emotional day in the Big Brother 26 house that started with Tucker confronting Angela about wanting to flip the vote on him this week, and then move continued in the afternoon following the veto meeting that left Tucker ready to throw in the towel and head home this week.

Tucker and T’Kor were both feeling emotional after the veto meeting, but were seemingly able to talk each other down a bit. Read on for all of those details and everything else that went down in the BB26 house Monday morning and afternoon.

Before you ready about Monday’s daytime events you can catch up on Sunday’s highlights.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 26, 2024:

9:20 AM BBT- As soon as Tucker gets up, he goes to confront Angela about her trying to flip on him this week. She tells Tucker that she did not believe him when he told her he would pick her over Rubina in the game. He tells her that she has to trust someone in this game and he has been fighting for her this whole time.

9:22 AM BBT – Angela tells Tucker that other people want him out so it wasn’t like she came up with some right idea.

9:25 AM BBT – Tucker tells Angela that he is done trying to save her. He says if she doesn’t want to go on the block this week then she better go talk to T’Kor.

9:40 AM BBT – Angela says that Tucker has been kind to her but he’s been promising everyone everything.

9:44 AM BBT – Angela tells T’Kor that Makensy is scared about being on the block and she feels responsible. She says maybe she’s playing with her heart too much in this game. Angela says if she goes home this week she would love to see T’Kor and Kimo go to the end.

9:46 AM BBT – Angela asks T’Kor if Tucker has promised her he will take her to the Final 2. She says no.

9:48 AM BBT – Angela says she’s not mad at Makensy. She says she’s fighting for her life. She says she’s mad at herself and she shouldn’t have tried to flip the vote on Tucker so soon or not at all. Angela says she hates how emotional she gets in here and says when she goes she never wants to come back to Big Brother.

9:49 AM BBT – Angela says she has broken Tucker’s trust now and they still have to live together until Thursday at least.

9:50 AM BBT – T’Kor asks Angela how the conversation with Tucker went. Angela says it didn’t go well. Angela tells T’Kor to do what she needs to do and she won’t be mad at her and will still love her. Angela tells T’Kor she won’t recluse and will be fine. She says she’s not going to escape this, she’s going to face it head on.

9:53 AM BBT – Angela says she would like to stay, but if that is not T’Kor’s will, she will understand. T’Kor says she still doesn’t know what her decision is going to be. She says she does not want Angela to go home, but she’s trying to figure out what to do that will have the least blowback.

9:56 AM BBT – Angela leaves the HOH room and T’Kor just says “geez Louise.”

10:57 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the veto meeting.

12:42 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Sounds like T’Kor put Angela on the block after Cam took himself down.

12:48 PM BBT – Makesny and Quinn tell Joseph about Angela pitching to them about coming together to get Tucker out this week.

12:49 PM BBT – Tucker is upset that T’Kor didn’t put Leah on the block. And he’s still upset that Angela was trying to flip on him. He says she has no idea what he has done for her in the game.

12:50 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo that he’s got just three more days in the game and he hopes Kimo can win this game.

12:52 PM BBT – Angela wants to know if she made a fool of herself during the veto meeting. Cam says he doesn’t think she did. Chelsie tells Angela that she thinks she composed herself well.

12:55 PM BBT – Chelsie tells T’Kor that she handled this so well and she is very proud of her.

1:20 PM BBT – Tucker tells Joseph that Tucker said if he’s getting voted out it better be before jury. Joseph says he doesn’t mind going far with Tucker because he feels he has his back and Tucker wouldn’t have any votes in the end to twin the game.

1:26 PM BBT – Tucker tells Rubina that he wants to go home Thursday. He says he’s going to throw the Arena competition. Rubina tells him she gets why he feels this way but she would like him to not make any decisions right now while emotions are high.

1:56 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo he was skeptical all this week and hoped he would have some sway.

2:06 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo he’s not thrilled with T’Kor’s choices, but he can’t be mad at it but it changes his whole game. Kimo asks how it changes his game. Tucker says because he’s leaving Thursday. He says he has been over this for a long time and he finally found a good group and … he trails off. Tucker says it’s better for their games if he’s gone. Kimo says he doesn’t agree.


2:08 PM BBT – Tucker says he’s really upset

still over Angela thinking he wasn’t truthful with her.

2:09 PM BBT – Tucker says he’ll see if things change in two days, but he doesn’t think so.

2:10 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Rubina this sucks. Rubina says she’s sorry this job was given to T’Kor when she didn’t want it.

2:12 PM BBT – Rubina asks T’Kor what’s going on in her brain. T’Kor says she keeps making decisions that keep hurting people. She says she’s not trying to do that. Rubina says they know she’s not. Rubina says someone is going to feel some type of way no matter what decisions are made.

2:15 PM BBT – T’Kor says she feels like everyone is mad at her. Rubina says no one is mad at her and they respect her decisions.

2:17 PM BBT – T’Kor says that Kimo told her Tucker isn’t going even going to try in the Arena. Rubina says Tucker is just upset because he went up as a pawn, took the punishment over T’Kor and he thought his only want was for Leah to go up. But Rubina says it’s T’Kor’s HOH so it was up to her and it was unfair of Tucker to expect others to play their game his way.

2:19 PM BBT – Rubina says it’s killing her to see T’Kor and Tucker both upset. T’Kor says she just wishes she had had more time to make her decision.

2:26 PM BBT – Tucker goes in and gives T’Kor an immediate hug. She tells him that she didn’t consider how this would affect him. He tells her that it’s her HOH and it is all good. He says he just wanted her to have a happy HOH and she deserved it.

2:28 PM BBT – Tucker tells her that he wants them to take the game to the end and he’ll be out of the way soon. She says but she doesn’t want him to go. He says he is the one that put the target on his back from the way he has played the game.

2:30 PM BBT – Tucker tells T’Kor he wants her, Kimo or Rubina to win this. He tells her he’s not mad at her. He says he was just thrown off and is fine.

2:32 PM BBT – Tucker says he is playing this game like it’s never been played, and if there’s only one way to play the game then he’ll figure that out by losing.

2:33 PM BBT – Tucker says he was disappointed only on his part, but it was the better move for her. He says her going against the grain is like him doing against the grain. Tucker says this doesn’t change how he feels about her and he still votes her. He says it doesn’t change the game if he’s still here after Thursday. She says he will still be here.

2:39 PM BBT – T’Kor thanks Tucker for being her friend. She says she doesn’t have a lot of friends like that – ones who genuinely want the best for her. She says she really appreciates him. He says he really appreciates her too.

2:42 PM BBT – Tucker tells T’Kor that he has learned he just isn’t cut out for this game. He says he cries himself to sleep every night. He says he misses his family and his dog.

2:44 PM BBT – T’Kor asks why Tucker thinks his game is over. He says he’s just playing a different game and he’s been trying to get people to play the game differently and fearlessly.

2:35 PM BBT – Tucker says that the Angela thing hurts more than anything.

2:49 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Tucker that she has learned a lot from him. He’s shown her how to have less fear. She says she’s always afraid of everything outside the game and he’s slowly shown her how to be more fearless. She says if it wasn’t for him she would probably be playing an even more scared game.

3:01 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Tucker she is serious – she wants him to stay in the game and she thinks he is actually making a really big difference being there. She tells him she knows it’s an emotional game, but she knows he can do this.

So Tucker is in quite the defeatist mood. He’s homesick, misses his dog and feels he’s a bit beyond this game (I missed the quote, but I read on Twitter he said he’s Varsity and playing with a bunch of JV players). But this effect on a player is nothing new. Historically, it’s actually pretty common for some of the houseguests to feel this way. But will Tucker be able to pull himself out of this rut or is he really ready to throw in the towel? He was called off to the diary room after his conversation with T’Kor, so maybe between the great talk they had a diary room session he’ll feel differently.
