Bud Spencer Not Only Portrayed The Tough Man, But He Also Directed All Of His Sequences.


Bud Spencer was tough not only in the movies, but in life as well. Bud Spencer (Carlo Pedersoli, 1929-2016) was a defining character in many people’s childhoods, as his own films or those made together with Terence Hill are almost all classics and have a real cult following at home. The star, who was once active as a swimmer, water polo player, and then as an actor, was famous for his huge, snapping slaps and kicks.

Levente Király’s book: In the wake of Piedone, however, revealed that he not only played the tough guy, but also shot all of his scenes, and during these, the others got a few real slaps, which left several people seriously injured. His former colleague, Riccardo Pizzuti, for example, received serious beatings from him in 19 films, which he recalled as follows:

“Bud Spencer’s fists were heavy. I got a lot from him. Stuntman Sergio Smacchi was once hit so hard that he almost went deaf because Bud hit his ear instead of his shoulder and ruptured his eardrum. So it wasn’t easy at first, but over time we got used to it very well: in the movie “Mercenary” I received two or three such blows to my head when I was pressed into the sand that I still remember it today. Of course, I just told him “Keep going, I’m fine!”, and he kept hitting me. In the movies, I didn’t spit out my teeth, but beans.

We painted the real teeth black in the front, which made it look like I didn’t have any more teeth, and we used beans for the spits, usually white beans. On the set of And We Get Angry Again, during such a move, which was not Bud’s fault, I flew so hard that I broke two ribs. We finished the scene and he was taken to the hospital.”


And from this it turns out that what is a fun skirmish for the viewer is serious, dangerous work for some of the actors, which consists not only in spitting the white beans out of their mouths in time to make it look like they are spitting out their teeth, but also they also watch so that they don’t get hurt and still make the scene look good.

This is what the well-known actor who endured Bud Spencer’s slaps for 22 years looks like today

Bud Spencer (†86) beat the well-known Italian actor and stuntman Riccardo Pizzuti to a pulp in nineteen films. Nevertheless, the 88-year-old man thinks of the legend, who died in 2016, as a good friend.

– laughed the man who first faced Bud Spencer’s slaps in the movie Revenge in El Paso in 1969 and endured until 1991 to be in the hands of the famous slap machine.

“Once it was agreed that I would get a right-handed one, but he forgot and pulled in one from the left that even ruptured my eardrum. On another occasion, Carlo’s thoughts must have been about spaghetti, because he hit me so hard that two of my teeth fell out.”
said the actor, who loved working with Spencer despite the accidents.
