Days of Our Lives: Eric Steps Up For Nicole, Baby Crisis Diverted


On Days of Our Lives, when Nicole unexpectedly became pregnant, rumors about Eric being the baby’s father erupted. The Peacock soap swiftly established the veracity of the rumors. Nicole and Eric, however, are still in the dark about the reality. Naturally, it’s all due to Sloan’s cunning. Everyone believes that EJ is the baby’s father. The emphasis had turned to other themes in recent episodes, but the most recent spoilers indicate that Nicole, Eric, and their infant will once again take center stage. But will the impending crisis lead to the identification of the real father?

New Baby Crisis On The Rise

Let’s face it, this is Days of Our Lives, therefore drama is everywhere! So how can the birth of a miraculous child for a fantastic marriage not be drenched in a massive amount of heart-pounding excitement and drama? The foundation for that has already been laid by the creators! Recall the publicity Nicole’s high-risk pregnancy received? Therefore, a crisis of some kind will undoubtedly surround labor and delivery. We also have a hunch that there won’t be any specialists available when Nicole gives birth, given how much stress EJ is placing on Nicole and the baby getting the “best specialist” available!

Maybe, it will be an emergency on Days of Our Lives. Considering Nicole’s pregnancy complications, there is a fair chance that she may go into an early labor. Moreover, it might happen at a time and place where no one would be around. And guess who will swoop in to Nicole’s help? Well of course, Eric! And would it really be a soap if circumstances didn’t force Eric to deliver the baby by his own bare hands! We have seen that on soaps plenty of times before to not expect it! Babies being born in parks, stuck elevators, so on and so forth! It would be interesting to see what the circumstances would be for this one!


An Unexplained Bond Sets The Wheels In Motion For The Big Reveal On Days of Our Lives

Honestly speaking, it would certainly be quite fitting for Eric to be involved in Nicole’s baby’s delivery on Days of Our Lives. After all, he is the father! And since neither of them know that yet, the soap has to find some way to include Eric in the baby’s life from the very beginning. Now, if Eric does avert a crisis and brings the baby into the physical world, he will certainly form a bond with it. Of course, part of the reason would be their bio-connection. And considering that the makers might stretch this for a while. The emergency delivery will play reason enough for Eric to feel connected with the baby.

Later on, this connection might even turn out to be the reason Eric on Days of Our Lives starts looking into things. At some time, he might start to question what exactly is so alluring about the baby. And consider how devastated he would be to learn that the infant he has been showing such a lot of love to is actually his own! Ah, the wait is so painful! Additionally, this might set off a chain reaction that eventually reunites Eric and Nicole! What do you think of this upcoming blissful family?
