House Of The Dragon Season 2 Makes Convincing Finale Battle Theory A Lot More Likely


Despite the massive dragon sequence at Rook’s Rest, House of the Dragon season 2 may have one more battle prepared for its finale. Following the Blacks and Greens split and the start of the Dance of the Dragons in season 2, HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series has still maintained a relatively slow pace, exploring the internal conflicts of its characters rather than just jumping from battle to battle like the book. The series is based on Fire & Blood, which examines the Dance from a zoomed-out perspective, primarily focusing on the key events of the war.

While episodes 5 & 6 have received some criticism for having too much filler, it does seem like the season intends to fulfill the audience’s desire for some more action. With two episodes to go, it still could be too early in the story for the Battle of the Gullet or Rhaenyra’s taking of King’s Landing, but the Battle at the Red Fork is a potential ending point. With Jason Lannister and his bannermen arriving in episode 6, the foundation is already laid for this to occur. In the House of the Dragon cast, Jason and Tyland Lannister are both played by actor Jefferson Hall.

The Battle At The Red Fork Explained

The Lannisters And Riverlords Clash At The Red Fork

The Red Fork is one of the main rivers of the Riverlands, and it’s the host of a pivotal battle in the Dance of the Dragons. Unlike Rook’s Rest, the Red Fork doesn’t actually involve any dragon action but instead sees the Lannister army march forth against lesser noble houses of the Riverlands in an attempt to aid the Greens. While the Lannisters win the battle, Lord Jason Lannister of Casterly Rock is killed in the action, sending the Westerlands into disarray. This causes the Greens to lose a key ally in the war.


How House Of The Dragon Has Set Up The Battle At The Red Fork For The Season 2 Finale

Both Sides Move Their Pieces Toward The Riverlands For War

Many of House of the Dragon’s slower council scenes notably lay the foundation for future battles and events in the Dance. Jason Lannisters arrival at the Golden Tooth and demand for dragon support prepares audiences for his advance into the Riverlands. In “Smallfolk,” he even says, “By the time we are finished with the Riverland scum, the Red Fork will have earned its name.”

Criston Cole and Aemond begin their march toward Harrenhal, beginning what should be a multiple-episode stretch of conflict in the Riverlands region as both sides begin to amass forces in the area. Daemon’s plot line at Harrenhal has seen him trying to assemble the armies of the Riverlands under House Tully, and though he’s made enemies with the lesser nobles of the region, they’ll still end up fighting for him and Rhaenyra. With two episodes left in House of the Dragon season 2, there’s still more fighting to commence.
