Kody Brown Spent Thousands Of Dollars On Unnecessary Splurges Amid Claims He Was In Debt


It’s also conceivable that the children who discussed Kody having preferences in Sister Wives programs were aware of this LLC at the time they made their statements. However, Robyn Brown steals the show as a sister wife who urgently wants her other spouses to remain part of the family. However, Robyn and her ex-husband also at the same time established the LLC for just the two of them. Following that, they gave it a sweet name that alluded to one small family from the original TLC huge family. Therefore, it appears that the couple’s decision to go their separate ways was made a long time ago.

This event isn’t a one-time occurrence. In fact, the Brown family has long struggled to make ends meet and provide for their large brood. However, the majority of the wives have gone on to earn a living independently to resolve these issues for themselves. Unfortunately, Kody Brown has not yet gotten to a place where he can be financially secure with his last remaining wife.

The Brown Family Has Seen Multiple Bankruptcies

With the exception of Robyn, all of the Browns’ parents have filed for bankruptcy since getting married. When they were officially married to one another, Kody Brown and Meri Brown filed jointly. Christine and Janelle both submitted bankruptcy petitions shortly after. Kody wasn’t needed to appear on the court petitions Christine and Janelle filed because he was never lawfully married to anybody other than Meri and Robyn.
Robyn Brown struggles with spending, despite the fact that she has never declared bankruptcy. Robyn and her dad both have money problems, according to Gwendlyn Brown, who claimed this in a reaction video. They frequently spend money carelessly. The daughter of Kody and Christine Brown claims that Robyn is the only wife who has ever used any of Kody Brown’s money, which sets her behavior apart from the other women. The other spouses have supported Kody and Robyn as well as themselves for many years.

Robyn Brown Brought Debt Into Her Marriage
While Robyn Brown was previously married and brought three children into her relationship with Kody, that wasn’t the only thing that came along for the ride. According to divorce reports, Robyn allegedly had many credit cards with high balances that she was responsible for when she separated from her ex-husband. These store cards included Victoria’s Secret and Sears.

When confronted by fans, the Sister Wives star reported that she had no choice but to shop at retail outlets like Victoria’s Secret because of her tall frame and long legs. The option to buy leggings and pants at other stores wasn’t available to her because she needed a specific length and style to accommodate her body, which is only available at Victoria’s Secret or through a service that creates custom clothing.


Although each of the Sister Wives has engaged in outside employment at some point in their marriage to Kody Brown, Robyn has been largely unemployed during the show and marriage compared to the other three. As the last wife to join the family, she briefly ran a jewelry company. Unfortunately, that operation has fallen to the wayside and has not been open since 2019.

Kody Brown Showered Some of His Children With Expensive Christmas Gifts

The fact that some of the Brown children are overlooked during the holidays or when they require medical attention while others receive excessive presents and attention has caused a lot of ire among fans of the Sister Wives show. When an episode of the well-known TLC show aired, the father of 18 gave pricey gifts to only the kids he had with his wife Robyn. This is when things really got out of hand.
The presents in question are gas-powered motorbikes that retail for over $800 apiece. With five children between him and Robyn, the purchase of a bike for all of them amounts to thousands of dollars. With mounting concerns about the future of the show, paying off the family land in Flagstaff, Arizona, and existing debt that the couple is dealing with, it seems to be an irresponsible move to expend resources on frivolous items, especially when they are only intended for a fraction of the family’s children.

There are still a few Brown children living with their parents, despite the fact that the most of them are adults who have left the house, like Mykelti, who is married and has three children of her own. For Christmas, Kody Brown visited his daughter Truely, whom he shares with his ex-wife Christine, but he made no effort to visit Savannah, his youngest child with Janelle, who lives in the same town as him.

Fans are ultimately upset that the father, who has gone through multiple bankruptcies and changes in income, is unable to assist in securing surgery for his daughter and her scoliosis, has had a lien placed on his home due to his inability to pay for a medical bill for his son, and can spend so much money on gifts for only a few of his children.

Fans believe it to be blatant partiality, and it also suggests that the patriarch of the family may struggle with setting priorities for how money should be spent.
