Kody Brown’s Attempt At “Rewriting History” Of This Sister Wives Relationship Fails Spectacularly


Sister Wives’ Kody Brown is known for his revisionist history, but the way he portrays his relationship with an ex-wife has fans puzzled.

The star of Sister Wives, Kody Brown, has spent the entire season reflecting on his relationship with Christine Brown and providing some rewritten history regarding the nature of their union. Season 18 of Sister Wives has raised a lot of queries about Kody and Christine’s relationship. The couple welcomed six children throughout their marriage, which lasted from 1994 until 2021. In 2021, Christine made the decision to leave Kody after years of conflict, although the patriarch of the Brown family did so reluctantly. His feelings overflowed into his other relationships, and Kody ultimately had to take precautions to prevent his other marriages from being exposed to his outbursts.

Fans of Sister Wives are noticing that Kody has spent the majority of season 18 telling some fascinating tales about his interactions with Christine, many of which appear to be untrue. The original query was posted on Reddit by user Ifonliesandjusts, who said, “Kody says Christine ‘forced her way into the family’ and that he never wanted her. Anyone else believes there may be some truth to this? Pot_Flashback1248 added his two cents, saying, “So, Kody is a victim? “Christine forced him to wed her?” It was unanimously agreed upon by viewers that Kody is “rewriting history” in a way that contradicts what they have seen on Sister Wives.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Constantly Plays The Victim Card

Kody’s victim mentality isn’t a new part of Sister Wives, but the level of self-victimization he’s played into since Christine’s departure has reached an all-new high. Kody, who always tries to paint himself as doing the right thing, has done his best to make Christine seem like she’s making the wrong choice by leaving him. On Practical_Audience69’s Reddit thread, BlueButtons07 explained, “Him saying that stuff, is exactly why Christine left…Even if he is scraping the bottom of the barrel to ‘get back at her’ for leaving. It’s plain cruel.” Kody has been cruel about Christine, claiming he was never attracted to her and felt pressure to marry her.


While Kody’s theories might have some merit in his own eyes, viewers of Sister Wives have witnessed a totally different scenario develop over time. There was a version of Kody early in the span of the series who was madly in love with Christine. They appeared to be in love and happy together even after being married for more than ten years. When Kody met Robyn, he clearly changed his priorities, putting his past relationships on hold. One of the key factors in Christine’s decision to end their marriage was the fact that she was never prioritized.

Fans of Sister Wives are not surprised to see that Kody has decided to reinterpret the events surrounding his relationship with Christine. Kody has a history of changing the facts to make himself appear to be the victim while also attempting to bully himself into playing the role of the hero. While Kody’s interpretation of events is unique to him, Sister Wives viewers are aware that the series has consistently depicted the actuality of the events.

Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT on TLC.
