Married At First Sight Recap: One Couple Comes Together, Another Falls Apart


“I feel like we’re in a completely different relationship than we were yesterday,” said one newlywed

Just a week into the marriages, one couple is already threatening divorce. The sixth episode of Married at First Sight saw some high highs and extremely low lows. Our four Denver couples are now halfway through their honeymoons, and must soon decide if they want to divorce or stay married to the complete stranger they were assigned by the reality TV show’s “relationship experts.”

The eight newlyweds got together as a group in the most recent episode of this seventeenth season, drawing on their combined 56 days of marriage experience to exchange notes and offer counsel to one another. Lauren, Orion, Clare, Cameron, and Becca had to swallow their pride after last week’s turmoil, while Emily, Brennan, Austin, and Becca had to restrain themselves from bragging about their ideal matches. Becca, who is always upbeat, pointed out that the suffering couples at least had chance to become better: “There’s actually room for it to go uphill,” she remarked. However, I wouldn’t be so certain of that.

Lauren and Orion

After their argument over Lauren’s “redskin” remark the previous week, the couple spent the most of the show attempting to patch things up. Everything appeared to be going well after some passionate swimming in the cave and Lauren recalling Orion’s preferred flavor of ice cream. However, their reconciliation’s high resulted in some sultry dinner talk about Orion’s “giving nature” and his collection of sex toys, which I won’t get into here. Orion disclosed in the conversation that he hadn’t had sex in more than a year and a half. Just before she found out she was getting married on the show, Lauren claimed to have had intercourse two months prior.
This revelation killed the mood for Orion, who declared sex was now “off the table” for him. “I know what I’m worth,” he said. “I just don’t want to hand myself out.” Lauren seemed shocked by Orion’s reaction, but the episode ended right before the inevitable fallout. However, the preview for next week’s episode showed Lauren in tears, saying that the couple got into a blowout fight — during which she asked for a divorce. At this rate, they might break the record for the shortest marriage in Married at First Sight history, which is currently a whopping ten days.

Becca and Austin
The season’s golden couple is still going strong. Austin even felt the need to downplay their relationship when talking with the other men to protect their feelings. “It’s hard for other couples when they’re not instantly connected like we are,” he said. But Becca revealed to the women that the pair might get along so well for a reason: They haven’t discussed anything serious yet, such as life goals, religion or politics. And when Becca tries to broach these topics, she said, Austin shuts her down. For all their conversations about aliens, death and Nintendo 64, they actually know next to nothing about each other. Only time will tell if the truth shatters the illusion of this couple


Clare and Cameron

After two weeks of awkward tension, Clare and Cameron finally showed signs of improvement. While Clare said the couple is unsure if they’re attracted to one another, Cameron made it clear that the lack of attraction is only on Clare’s part. But after the two bonded by throwing paint on each other during a date, Cameron said he’s hopeful that having fun together will bring out Clare’s romantic feelings. “I feel like we’re in a completely different relationship than we were yesterday,” Cameron said. He even put his arm around her during a group boat trip, which is basically like third base for a married couple that hasn’t even kissed yet.

Emily and Brennan
Poor Emily is always having problems. This week, she and Brennan went flyboarding after she fell in the shower and hurt her wrist the previous week. Emily’s hair got matted into a big knot as she kept jumping out of and falling into the water. She spent over a day attempting to untangle her hair before a stylist took off a large portion, leaving her “feeling bald.” However, Emily’s husband has only been impressed by her resilience during her miserable, sexless honeymoon. Nothing is able to topple her. “I’m thrilled about our future together,” Brennan remarked. The couple stated they are not concerned about leaving paradise for their everyday lives even though their honeymoon is scheduled to expire during next week’s show, saying, “It’s just going to be less palm trees.”
Somehow, I doubt that. To watch the chaos continue, tune in to the next episode of Married at First Sight, on Wednesday, November 29.
