Married At First Sight Season 17: Clare Is Pushing Therapy On Cameron (She Is Overbearing)


Married at First Sight season 17’s Clare Kerr is showing that she has an overbearing personality by pushing therapy on her new husband Cameron Frazer.

Participant Clare Kerr from Married at First Sight season 17 comes across as controlling as she pushes treatment on her new spouse, Cameron Frazer. Clare and Cameron tied the knot with a stranger they had only met at the altar, joining three other Denver couples who were Married at First Sight. Dr. Pia Holec, Pastor Calvin Roberson, and Married at First Sight experts Pepper Schwartz matched the couples. Before the big Decision Day, when they must choose whether to remain married or file for divorce, the couple first go through their first wedding, honeymoons, and eventually weeks of cohabitation.

A 28-year-old quadruplet who is passionately Scottish, Clare works as a professional therapist. Cameron, 33, is a New Zealander who owns a bike business. Due to their shared high activity levels and need for stability and maturity in a partner, the couple was a good fit. In their relationships, they desire independence, but they also want to be able to pull together when necessary. From the outset, Clare and Cameron made a good impression on each other’s families. Watchers have been following the couple as they embark on their honeymoon in Mexico and get to know one another better.

Clare Thinks Cameron Should Be Open To Therapy

Clare and Cameron’s tension started during the honeymoon when Clare felt Cameron was inconsiderate after he didn’t offer to take her big bag. Cameron thought Clare was independent and wanted to handle it on her own. Their miscommunication and misunderstanding have given way to a new troubling encounter. One where Clare implied Cameron could benefit from therapy.

Clare asked Cameron if he had attended therapy after starting to discuss how serious she was about her work as a therapist. He acknowledged that therapy was beneficial for some individuals, but at this time in his life, he didn’t believe that he needed it. Cameron said that because he welcomes opportunity, the things he needs find him and that he doesn’t require assistance. Clare referred to Cameron’s viewpoint as privileged and stated that effort must be put forth in order to achieve one’s goals. Cameron should strive for his goals in treatment, Clare implied, and his point of view was incorrect. The awkward exchange portrayed Clare as narrow-minded, domineering, and one-dimensional.


Cameron and Clare Are Very Different

Clare believes to find opportunity, one has to have drive, and Cameron thinks opportunity comes to everyone, even those without drive. That difference was a sticking point for Clare, who vocalized that she and Cameron were very dissimilar in the way they thought, but could find things in common. Cameron said they were similar people with different perspectives. It’s clear that there is a disconnect between Clare and Cameron and that the spark they need is missing, and it could be due to the fact they are too opposite in their outlooks.

Clare Is Giving Cameron Mixed Signals

Clare declared that she was looking for a silly man who could also be affectionate. But instead of giving Cameron a chance or showing him love, Clare has made fun of his silly side. Cameron is uneasy and finds it difficult to connect with Clare because she is giving off conflicting signals and is not even somewhat relaxed throughout the process. Fans should continue to watch Married at First Sight to see if Clare and Cameron can work things out, as the experiment is still in its early stages.

Married at First Sight airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST.
