The show NCIS is known to have somewhat of a cult following, and some fans have taken to the social media site Reddit to discuss some of the weirdest fan theories they’ve ever heard.
NCIS fans are discussing the “weirdest” fan theories and opinions they’ve ever heard about the series on Reddit.
The tv show NCIS has a strong fan base, – with some lashing out at the ‘truly idiot producers’ as they suspect a hidden agenda- and some viewers turn to the social media site Reddit to share their opinions on the show. In the Reddit group “NCIS”, that boasts over 28,000 members, users discussed the weirdest fan theories they’ve ever heard.
“NCIS: America’s Favorite TV Show,” the group is called. “SubReddit about America’s Favorite TV Show… NCIS!” the bio of the group reads. A user RayKVega posted in the group to ask users to share the craziest opinions and fan theories about the show they’ve ever heard – and why they think that.
“I am tired of the “Abby became too childish.” I know it’s a popular one, it just feels like a constant refrain,” another commented.
“I agree I had to give the characters time to grown on me. I admit as of right now I do prefer Bishops character over Jess but we also have not really seen that much out of Jess.”
One user took the post as an opportunity to speak about a certain type of NCIS fan – those aggressive “Kate haters”. The user doesn’t understand why some people have to be so mean about the character Kate.
“Also they arent a massive force but can those weird kate haters that go into every kate post just to be really… aggressive… in their hate just calm down? Anytime a post comes out being shocked she got sniped there is always at least 2 super aggro people going after others for missing her,” a user wrote.
Users also had a lot to say on another character, Eleanor Bishop. People seemed to have mixed feelings on Bishop, especially when comparing her to other characters on the show.
“Bishop sucks, I want Ziva back,” a user wrote. “I can’t stand Jess, just give me Bishop back.”
“I agree I had to give the characters time to grown on me. I admit as of right now I do prefer Bishops character over Jess but we also have not really seen that much out of Jess,” another added.
“People claiming Bishop is pregnant in “9mm”, and I find it weird and strangely foreshadowing (her actress got pregnant after she left),” a user wrote.
“I seen comments mainly on the NCIS facebook group dunking on Parker, Nick and Bishop because they aren’t exact copies of Gibbs, Tony and Ziva, which…..I absolutely don’t see at all and frankly, I find that very stupid and illogical,” the user continued.