Following Jessica Knight and Jimmy Palmer’s breakup, CBS’ longest-running procedural has been missing a major romance, but NCIS season 22 may have just started filling that gap. NCIS season 22, episode 6 just hinted at a potential romance between Knight and Torres. While unexpected, a relationship between Knight and Torres is not out of the ordinary, since the two characters have become good friends ever since she joined MCRT back in season 18. Beyond that, it’s also going to be an interesting development in the show.
Knight and Torres have developed a deep, trusting relationship as colleagues and friends. As partners on NCIS, they have also gone undercover several times, displaying their mutual trust and respect for each other. While romantic couples have never been the focus of NCIS, an office romance elevates the show with added interpersonal details and higher stakes. It is also just the thing that NCIS season 22 has been missing.
Knight & Torres Have Been Spending More Time Together In NCIS Season 22
Knight and Torres Have Gotten Closer This Season
Knight and Torres have always had a friendly relationship, but they have particularly been spending more time together in NCIS season 22. “Knight and Day” hints at their growing relationship further when Torres reveals that they attended a party together the night before. Torres even prepares an array of medications in preparation for Knight’s expected hangover. Torres then spends his free time teasing Knight and trying to find the owner of the jacket she thought was his. While their banter could be dismissed as platonic, it is part of a series of incidents indicating a growing spark between them.
Spending so much time together means it is easy to develop feelings for one another. Knight and Torres have been close before, but not like this. Their closeness could also be the result of Knight’s breakup with Palmer. Because she and Palmer started dating shortly after she started at NCIS, she never even had a chance to consider Torres as a potential love interest. Now that she is single, she could be allowing herself to move closer to Torres to test their compatibility.
NCIS Season 22 Has Revealed That Both Knight & Torres Are Ready To Date Again
Knight and Torres’ Statuses Open Up Their Dating Potential
Both Knight and Torres have been hurt by their recent relationships, but they are also both ready to date again. They have a dating app that has been used for undercover missions, but it has also been used by the characters in hopes of finding love. In a conversation with Palmer, Knight also revealed that she had been on a few dates since their breakup but that nothing had stuck. Her recent breakup with Palmer means that she still cares for him, but she also knows it is time to move on.
Torres is in a similar position. Three years after Ellie Bishop’s heartbreaking exit, Torres has revealed he wants to date again. The team helped, and teased, him with his MateQuest dating profile at the start of NCIS season 22, but in the end, Torres deleted it, hoping to meet someone organically. Torres’ decision to move on shows that he has healed from Ellie’s betrayal. Their romance never reached a satisfying ending, but Torres’ healed heart means he is ready to try again and a relationship with Knight might be just what he needs.
What A Knight & Torres Romance Means For NCIS
A Romance Could Change The Team’s Dynamics
While a romance between Jessica Knight and Nick Torres would be an exciting addition to NCIS season 22 and beyond, it comes with several problems. The first one has to do with the team’s dynamics. Since Knight and Palmer’s breakup was fairly recent, and Palmer is still dealing with his feelings for Knight, a relationship might cause unwanted tension between Torres and Palmer. The whole team works really well together and a love triangle could cause a lot of damage in a work environment where trust is vital.
In NCIS season 22, episode 6, when Torres reveals that the jacket likely belongs to a man that Knight was flirting with, Palmer stutters and tenses up, indicating that he is still uncomfortable with Knight dating other people because he still loves her.
Palmer’s feelings also mean that Knight and Torres would likely feel uncomfortable starting a relationship with each other in fear of hurting Palmer. In NCIS season 22, episode 6, when Torres reveals that the jacket likely belongs to a man that Knight was flirting with, Palmer stutters and tenses up, indicating that he is still uncomfortable with Knight dating other people because he still loves her. In NCIS, Torres and Knight are clearly becoming closer, but Palmer is such a good friend to both Torres and Knight that they will likely not want to let their romance interfere with their friendships.