Ncuti Gatwa’S Doctor Who Season 15 Hint Makes A Major Mrs. Flood Theory Way More Convincing


During the Doctor Who panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2024, which ScreenRant attended, Ncuti Gatwa shared small details about the story in Doctor Who season 15, which, when combined with an RTD tease, supports a major Mrs. Flood theory. The last season of the hit sci-fi show Doctor Who opened up many mysteries that still remain unanswered as of the finale. One of the most intriguing mysteries that has captivated the minds of Doctor Who fans, lingering on since the conclusion of season 14, is the true identity of Mrs. Flood.

The spectrum of theories, from Mrs. Flood being the White Guardian to her being the Rani to her being Romanadvoratrelundar, has only increased the excitement over time. The only theory that’s been effectively ruled out is Mrs. Flood being Ruby’s mom, as the Doctor’s companion learned the true identity of her mom. However, a fresh reveal from SDCC 2024 suggests that one of the most popular theories may hold some truth.

Doctor Who Season 15’s Story Teases Hint Mrs. Flood IS Part Of The Pantheon

Both Mrs. Flood And The Pantheon Will Return To Doctor Who Season 15

ScreenRant attended the much-anticipated Doctor Who panel in Hall H at SDCC 2024, where Ncuti Gatwa and RTD dropped some hints about season 15 that, when pieced together, could have profound implications. Gatwa teased that the next season would be “continuing the Pantheon,” a group of god-like villains introduced in Doctor Who season 14. RTD, on the other hand, promised that Doctor Who season 15 would feature a lot more of Mrs. Flood.

One of the most prominent theories about the character after season 14 is that she’s a member of the Pantheon, and these teases combined point to the theory possibly being correct. While it wouldn’t be entirely out of the realm of possibility for the two stories to run concurrently, it would certainly be strange after Doctor Who season 14 set Mrs. Flood up as a significant character with non-human knowledge and abilities.

Doctor Who Season 14 Already Set Up Mrs. Flood As A Pantheon God

SDCC 2024 Wasn’t The First Hint That Mrs. Flood Could Be A Pantheon God

Doctor Who introduced Mrs. Flood in the 2023 Christmas special “The Church on Ruby Road,” where she seemed an ordinary, cheerful neighbor until the last moments of the episode. Mrs. Flood watched as the TARDIS disappeared. Rather than reacting shocked, she turned to the camera and asked, “Never seen a TARDIS before?” This foreshadowed the strange amount of non-human, otherworldly knowledge the woman would exhibit throughout the rest of the season. Though it hasn’t been explained yet, Mrs. Flood knew about Sutekh and the danger he would pose to the human world.

In one of the most ominous scenes, she refused to give Cherry Sunday tea, confirmed that the One Who Waits is coming, and said this ominous quote:

“Tell your maker I will come to storm down his gates of gold and seize his kingdom in my true name.”


In addition to being utterly terrifying, the quote implies that whoever Mrs. Flood is, she has the ability to overpower another god – something that’s difficult even for the most powerful Doctor Who characters. It also implies that she doesn’t go by her true name, which would make sense if she were a pantheon god. She then went on to apologize to Cherry Sunday about what would come, calling her a “tiny little woman.” The strange phrasing sounds like what a creature with god-like power would call a human.

Mrs. Flood also stated things in a way that implies she knew about Sutekh for quite some time, raising two questions. Firstly, if she knew he was coming, why wouldn’t she say something? Secondly, if she knew his power, why wouldn’t she sound scared? The answer to both these questions could be that she is also a Pantheon god.

The theory would also explain the peculiar ending to Doctor Who season 14’s finale, where Mrs. Flood speaks to the camera again, telling the viewer that Ruby’s story reached a happy ending but that the Doctor’s story would end “in absolute terror.” The level of knowledge seems almost omniscient, as if she exists outside the bounds of linear time. The fact that she smiles about the Doctor’s upcoming misfortune makes her seem untrustworthy, at best.

Which Pantheon God Mrs. Flood Could Be

Mrs. Flood Could Be One Of The Eight Unseen Pantheon Gods

If Mrs. Flood does end up being a Pantheon god, the natural next question is which one. The unaccounted-for Doctor Who pantheon gods include:

Reprobate, the god of spite

The threefold deity of Malice, Mischief and Misery

The god of skin
The god of shame
The god of secrets
Incensor, the god of disaster

Dread and Doubt, Incensor’s twin children

Out of this long list, a few possibilities stand out. The first god that Mrs. Flood could be is the god of secrets. If she were, her knowledge about the TARDIS, Sutekh, and the end of the Doctor’s story would all make sense because these are all secrets. Another big possibility is Mrs. Flood being Incensor, the god of disaster. After all, floods are a type of disaster, and as seen with Sutekh and Susan Twist, the gods like play on words.

The last possibility is that Mrs. Flood is Dread and Doubt, the set of twin children. This idea comes from the fact that Mrs. Flood acts drastically differently at moments. If she were a set of identical twins, this would explain why she sometimes seems empathetic and kind and other times seems vindictive and uncaring. This could be two entirely separate people who just happen to look the same. In the world of Doctor Who, where virtually anything is possible, Mrs. Flood being two people doesn’t seem all that outlandish.
