Our All-Time Favorite Jamie Fraser Dad Moments From ‘Outlander’


Outlander’s Jamie Fraser might be from the 18th century, but he’s basically our favorite TV dad now, anytime, ever. He was a feminist dad way before his time — and yes, some of it is thanks to his from-the-future wife, Claire Fraser, who taught him a lot of feminist tricks — but what sets him apart from all the rest of those 18th century blokes is that he was willing to change and learn. Sam Heughan has played Jamie Fraser opposite Caitríona Balfe‘s Claire for almost 10 years now. These star-crosses, half time-traveling, couple, has had a lot of stressful parenting moments from the 1700s to Laird only knows when.
Now, officially, Jamie didn’t become a dad until Season 2, when their daughter Faith was born. Sadly, Claire miscarried, and Jamie was in prison. In Season 3, Claire gives birth to their second child, Brianna. But Jamie was stuck in the past and Claire was in the future. I know it’s complicated, but basically they were separated by 200 years. And Jamie never got a chance to be a father to Brianna until she was 20 years old.

Now he’s not perfect — he’s had his regular dad flaws and messed up. Like that time he spanked his wife. I wonder if Claire and Jamie ever told Bree about that? If Claire had Instagram, she’d be all, “TBT to that time your dad spanked me.” Probably not, so let me do that right now. Bree, your mom taught him 18th century punishments wouldn’t fly in their marriage. Of course, she taught him naked with a knife, because your mom is kinda f-ing cool.

Some of his most unique dad moments include talking to babies in utero. And being concerned that if he sleeps with his wife while she’s pregnant, he might bonk the baby on the head! If your mom’s a prostitute (but you have no clue which one!) and you’re being raised in a French brothel, Jamie will bust you for stealing, hire you, and then adopt you, because that’s the sort of dad he is.

Season 7 promises to have many Jamie Fraser “Da” moments, with the return of Jamie’s son, William, who Lord John (David Berry) has been raising. With Willy not knowing that Jamie is his dad, and fighting on the opposite side of the war than his real kilt daddy, father-son drama with a side of Claire stepmama drama, is sure to abound. Read our recap of the season 7 premiere episode to get caught up on all things Jamie and Claire, and all of their children and grandchildren.

So here are Jamie Fraser’s best “Da” moments in the last 200 years. He’s a really young, old Dad.

Season 1, Episode 9 – “The Reckoning”

Now he’s not a dad yet. But this is where he shows he’s a feminist. Jamie and Claire get in a huge fight, he thinks it’s his job to punish her by spanking her with a belt (not cool), she fights back and then sexiles him. But he goes against the thinking of that time about what a man and woman’s roles should be, and on bended knee says to his wife, “Sorry I spanked you, please kill me with this knife if I ever do it again.” And then she says you’ll be sorry if you ever hit me again, and I’m going to hold this knife to your throat, mid-coitus so you really get my point, while I get yours.

Season 1, Episode 12 – “Lallybroch”

This is what I like to call Drunk Pre-Dad Jamie. Who’s still a feminist when he’s drunk?! James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, that’s who. When Jamie learns little Robby McNabb’s abusive dad is beating him up, he takes him out for a drink and lesson. “I tried to reason with him, but in the end I had to show him the difference between abuse and discipline.” And then he hits Claire on her bum for emphasis — which Claire “loves.” Okay dude, still too soon (hi, knife lesson, see above). Claire’s face in this scene is priceless and worth watching on loop. Important to note, she was fast asleep before drunk JAMMF rolled in like an elephant. But drunk Jamie was standing up for a kid against an abusive father, so wake up Claire!


Season 1, Episode 13 – “The Watch”

When Claire tells him she can’t have children, Jamie’s reaction is human, vulnerable, and kind. He says, “Maybe it’s for the best, I wouldn’t want you to be in pain. I can bare pain myself, but not yours.” Claire tells him she wouldn’t mind the pain. When Claire leaves to help deliver Jenny’s baby, you can tell Jamie is heartbroken, but the sensitivity with which he reacts to this news cannot be matched. He was being a good dad before he even knew he was a dad. Pretty sure Claire was pregnant in this scene and did not know it. Also, Jamie was about 23 years old. What kind of 23-year-old man would think to understand the pain of childbirth?!

Season 1, Episode 16 – “To Ransom a Man’s Soul”

This is when Jamie learns he is going to be a father. It’s a surprise to both he and Claire, since they believed she couldn’t have children. After Jamie’s terrible sexual assault, Claire isn’t sure how he’ll take the news. When she asks him if he’s happy, he smiles and says he is “Verra happy.” That’s Jamie speak for very, very, very happy. And these two little to-be-parents sail off intothe windy sunset.

Season 2, Episode 3 – “Useful Occupations and Deception”

Jamie and Claire have a fight when Claire starts working at a hospital. He reminds her she’s with child. Like she could forget? She’s wearing a corset whilst pregnant, and a bum roll, and has a baby bump, trust me, she knows! (Wait, did women have to wear corsets when they were pregnant?!) Jamie storms off, and then picks up a pickpocket named Fergus. Little did Jamie and Claire know but that little French mini-man would become their adopted son. Fergus’s first words to his would-be-mom, “Nice boobs” except in French. She was kind of flattered until she learned he said that to all the ladies.

Season 2, Episode 2 – “Not in Scotland, Anymore”

In France, Claire was pregnant and Jamie was suffering from PTSD. Jamie wasn’t in dad mode, but he did learn a little something about feminism from Claire, again. Claire decides to surprise Jamie in bed one day. When he realizes she got some waxing done, he exclaims, “Claire! Your honeypot, it’s bare!” Jamie quickly gets through his initial shock and disappointment, “But to rid yourself of such a lovely forest!” LOL. “You’re a daring woman Sassenach, suppose that makes me a very lucky man.” The next morning, Jamie gets another fun feminist lesson, when he sees Claire in a revealing red dress. After calling her “mad” and telling her he can see every inch of her and suggesting she should change, she says, “Nope!” And he’s all, “Ok.” And that’s how pretty much all their feminist conversations went.

Season 2, Episode 6, – “Best Laid Schemes”

“Wee, it’s your father,” Jamie whispers in a Darth Vader voice, except Scottier, to Claire’s baby bump. This episode is peak Jamie being an almost dad! Claire is pregnant with Faith, and Jamie feels Faith moving, and gets super excited. After telling Faith he can’t wait to meet her, he gets even more excited and asks Claire if it’s okay if they get Frasery in the sheets. But first he says, “Is it ok, with a bairn?” Faith, your dad was super respectful of your apartment (aka your mom’s uterus), in utero, kid. He doesn’t want to be poking around without permission. *Poking, laughs to self. Claire tells him, “It’s fine you won’t hurt us.”

