Richard Curtis’ Lifelong Regret Of Not Making A Tom Cruise Film Finds Closure Through Fairytale Rom-Com


Tom Cruise is an actor whose talents and appearance stand out in the most iconic way conceivable. He made his way into a Richard Curtis film in the most unusual way possible. As an actor of this caliber, he is immensely pleased of the extensive body of work he has amassed. He has collaborated with some of the most talented directors and actors during his career. He is prepared to give it his all in any kind of movie, romantic or action-packed.

Cruise has collaborated with a wide range of creative people, but one director he nearly had the chance to work with was none other than Richard Curtis. Not until Genie did Curtis’s dream materialize. At least, to a certain degree. Still, it is true that even a drop in the middle of an oasis is heavenly, if not an ocean of possibilities.

Tom Cruise Made an Unlikely and Indirect Cameo in Genie

Richard Curtis, while in an interview with People Magazine, talked about how there is a three-second long clip of Tom Cruise’s Mission: Impossible in Genie, where Melissa McCarthy developed a sense of attraction towards the actor. However, it was not that the clip was added without asking the actor himself.

“I don’t know whether it’s a favor to me and Melissa or whether someone in the mail room said, ‘This sounds okay.’ But it means that after all these years, I’ve at last made a Tom Cruise movie.”


He asked through the actor’s people if there was a way in which he could incorporate a joke regarding Cruise without adding any offense whatsoever. He even jested about how his lifelong dream of working with Tom Cruise in a film actually came through via the means of even a silly little skit that played about expressing McCarthy’s character’s adoration towards Cruise himself.

Richard Curtis’s Chance That Slipped Away

Richard Curtis also mentioned how beautiful he thought Tom Cruise was. In an interview with People, he disclosed that he and Cruise had previously worked on a film, but it was never released. He had always wanted to work with the actor on a movie, thus the disappointment over it persisted.

Thank goodness, I knew Tom a little bit. He has always shown me a lot of sweetness. And for a while, we worked on a movie that never got made.

This dream, however, did come true. Through Genie, he managed to achieve something he could not at first. Curtis was the happiest he had been, having added Cruise to his film even in an indirect manner.
