Robyn Brown, A Sister-Wife Caught On Tlc Cameras


Over the years, Robyn Brown, the star of the TLC reality series Sister Wives, made a few enemies among her co-wives and the show’s viewers. However, it now appears that the cameras may have also joined that club. Or, to some of the spectators today, it appears to be this way.

This season, strange things keep happening. Fans have seen it because they have noticed a pattern in how Robyn has been handled on screen thus far.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown Looking Good – Then Bad?

This season, Robyn Brown makes a number of various comments while looking into the camera. Additionally, some of these are offensive to her co-wives. The youngest bride certainly got the attention she sought. Fans of Sister Wives claim that the publicity she is receiving is not good, though. For a long time, viewers referred to Wife #4 as the “home wrecker.”

She even acknowledged this on the Sister Wives show a few times in the past. So, the fourth wife already came into the new season with her reputation a bit tarnished. But she comes on the screen looking good, as if she’s advocating for the family to come back together. But after the TLC cameras get through with her, that good-sounding blurb suddenly turns bad.

This season it seems as if the TLC cameras let her have her say. Then they put someone on the screen to say something different. Or the Sister Wives cameras show a scene that has her contradicting herself.

Robyn Points the Finger of Blame…
One of the most astonishing scenes popped up in a recent Sister Wives episode. Robyn Brown blamed Christine Brown for the demise of the family. But what was astonishing came along next.

First, anyone who has watched this reality series for any length of time would likely not blame Christine for Kody Brown’s life in shambles. So, that got the viewers riled up.

But Meri Brown took an unusual action for her. That is in Robyn Brown’s favor. Fans were astounded when Meri defended her co-wife Christine after Robyn’s statement. Christine, according to Meri, was not the cause of the Sister Wives family’s problems.

Meri has recently disputed her eldest co-wife on TV a number of times. The TLC cameras appear to record several responses from Meri and the other wives this season. After Robyn Brown says anything they disagree with, it happens.


Sister Wives: Flushing Out the Fourth Wife Season 18

Even Kody Brown contradicts Robyn Brown this season. On Sunday night’s episode, Robyn tried to fill Meri’s head with hope that Kody would mend their marriage. While the first wife knew there was not much chance of that, Robyn still pushed.

Some fans suggested that Robyn tried to make a fool out of her Sister Wives co-wife. But Kody seemed to make that backfire for his youngest wife. He said that Robyn Brown wants him to have a husband-wife relationship with his first wife again. But that’s not going to happen.

Robyn continued by stating that her marriage has suffered due to the family’s disintegration. Listen to Kody, though, and he’ll tell you that the only issue he and Robyn have is that they still aren’t able to declare their love in front of the other ladies. As a result, he felt quite uneasy visiting his first wife’s home. Robyn added that now that Meri won’t be around as frequently, she’ll miss her. Meri is seen as the focus of the camera as Robyn no longer frequently approaches her.

They don’t see each other, never mind talk. Yet she’s acting like she’s losing her best friend. No, that shipped sailed, Meri’s best friend is Jenn Sullivan today.

A Schedule and a Scowl
The fourth wife informed the first wife in Sunday’s show that they would need to “schedule” in at some point. Kody then asked Robyn to elaborate on what she meant by saying. He scowls and then rants about his younger wife on camera when he finds out she’s talking about setting up a time for them to visit Meri. He says he only has one devoted wife right now. The Sister Wives camera seems to pick up someone who contradicts Wife #4’s statements every time she speaks, so to speak.

From Christine and Janelle Brown, who both previously made clear that they are done with Robyn, to Meri and Kody Brown who still remain by her side, the TLC cameras seem to get it all documented this Season.

