Sister Wives: 8 Signs That Robyn Brown’s Actually A Nasty Person


Sister Wives star Robyn Brown’s always playing nice and dabbing at her tears, but there’s definitely a dark side. She’s done some bad things.

Robyn Brown plays concern for the Brown family’s well-being in Sister Wives season 18, yet she comes across as untrustworthy and shows indicators of being a horrible person. Everyone has their times, but Robyn has displayed some bad qualities that cast her as a blatant villain. She always tries to portray herself as a wonderful person with a kind attitude, but she isn’t all sunshine and roses.

As she watches the Brown family break apart in Sister Wives season 18, Robyn sheds the customary crocodile tears. She isn’t confronting the truth about the root causes of all the issues, though, which is what has to be done. That’s a big error since she ignores her part in the circumstance. It’s crucial that she and Kody Brown present a united front in contrast to the other spouses’ (and Christine Brown’s ex’s) feelings of exclusion. She’s either unwilling to accept the facts or in denial about it.

8. Robyn Brown Criticizes Meri, Janelle & Christine Brown
Recently, Robyn made some shocking statements about Christine Brown, basically accusing her of destroying the Brown family. It’s amazing that she put all the blame on Christine. Robyn should be aware that Christine had a very different experience with Kody. Christine didn’t get to be the favored wife like Robyn. How can Robyn judge a woman for turning away from that kind of neglect and looking for real happiness? Robyn often acts hard done by, and she’s infected Kody with the same type of wimpy spirit. Neither of them know how to take accountability. Does Robyn even believe what she’s saying? Since she’s a manipulator, she might not.
7. Robyn Brown’s Very Manipulative

Robyn isn’t very authentic because she says one thing and does another. That kind of behavior sends a message that she’s just playing a game with people. If she was genuine, her words and actions would be aligned. For example, she pretends to be upset about the issues in the family during season 18, but offscreen, she’s made it clear that monogamy with Kody is her goal. Since she wants him all to herself (and she’s accomplished this goal offscreen), the stuff she’s saying in the season seems like manipulation. She’s trying to influence family members and viewers with her chatter, but it doesn’t ring true.

6. Robyn Brown Wants Kody All To Herself
Robyn, who was once the monogamy poster child, has drastically changed her views. She continues to portray Christine’s departure as a loss while accusing Christine, passive aggressively, of being to blame for what transpired. Off-screen, she asserted that if Kody married someone else, it would be insulting. Robyn may have been motivated to make things extremely difficult for the other wives by her secret desire to have Kody all to herself for years, if not the entire period.
5. Robyn’s The Power Behind The Throne
While it’s fairly cruel to call Robyn a puppetmaster, as that’s harsh criticism, she may deserve the label. She’s always working in the background, pushing Kody to make decisions. Most of those choices hurt his exes.

Robyn isn’t stupid, and surely realizes that she has a lot of power over her mate. Kody, who’s talked about his “romantic tension” with Robyn, is no match for Robyn. While she’s always bursting into tears, she may actually be the stronger one. Robyn gets her way, using Kody as a human shield. She can tell him to what to do, or manipulate him into thinking it’s his own decision. Then, she can hide behind him, telling the other wives that she has no control over what he does. Robyn plays these games all the time.


4. Robyn Keeps Kody From Seeing Some Of His Kids

Robyn didn’t want Kody to see his older sons at Christmas. She said that was because he would feud with them during the holiday and ruin it. Wouldn’t it be better for Kody to talk things out with his own children, and hopefully reach some kind of understanding? Sometimes, an argument is necessary. In fact, once in a while, fighting can be healthy. Otherwise, people bottle up their feelings. What they repress can harm relationships. Robyn should not be closing the lines of communication between Kody and his children. That’s one of the worst things she does.
3. Robyn Brown Lives Well While The Other Women Go Without
Robyn stated a lot that seemed completely dubious. She said that she didn’t want to pay for a pricey rental and that Kody was forcing her to reside in the opulent house. She was attempting to convince the other spouses that she didn’t feel at ease leading a luxurious lifestyle. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes, though? It seems highly unlikely that she won’t choose their new home. Kody’s main goal is to win Robyn over. Now that Janelle Brown is living in a modest home in Flagstaff, Kody and Robyn are living in a luxurious home.
2. Robyn Brown Gave Up On My Sisterwife’s Closet
Robyn took over My Sisterwife’s Closet and then seemingly ran it into the ground. She was designing jewelry, including “inspirational” designs that weren’t exactly high art. Now, the website seems to be in limbo. Nothing’s happening with the company, and the legacy of the website is tarnished. This could have been a thriving business, and there’s so much interest in the show’s stars. Maybe she should have let the other wives have more power. They might have had more drive to make things work.

1. Robyn Brown Refuses To Post On Social Media
Why is Robyn absent? She hasn’t updated her Instagram in a long time. She certainly receives a ton of abuse, but she ought to disable the comments. She gives off a shady vibe by staying in seclusion, as if she’s hiding a lot about her life. She could reveal what’s actually going on behind the scenes if she posted, just like Meri, Janelle, and Christine do. Instead, she occasionally shows up and gives interviews that occasionally contain shocking information. When it’s convenient for her, she uses the media. However, she avoids posting on Instagram because she doesn’t want to deal with embarrassing reshares from Kody’s ex-wife and wives.

