‘Sister Wives’: Is Gwendlyn Brown Estranged From Her Parents?


Gwendlyn Brown is getting honest about the Brown family’s troubled dynamic. Despite her criticism of her parents, Gwen is not estranged from them.

Dramatic TLC reality TV families are currently rife. The Brown family, who gained notoriety on Sister Wives, is an example of this. In the past two years, Kody Brown has divorced three of his four spouses. The Brown youngsters who are now adults are speaking forward to share their own stories. Some viewers of Gwendlyn Brown’s recent Patreon videos have assumed that the 21-year-old college student is separated from her large family because she has been rather critical of her parents, Kody and Christine Brown. But that is not the case. Even though things are a little strained right now, Gwen still seems to see both of her parents.

Gwendlyn Brown’s reaction videos seem to be shading Christine Brown

Gwendlyn Brown launched a Patreon account to react to episodes of Sister Wives last year. Since then, she’s also shared her insider opinion on her family on YouTube and other social media platforms. The tone of Gwen’s videos appears to have changed in recent months, though.

Gwen has changed from the sympathetic person she formerly was toward her mother, Christine Brown, and the difficulties she faced as Kody Brown’s third wife. Gwen recently admitted in a Patreon video that she harbored resentment for both of her parents amid the divorce drama. She added that they both acted poorly throughout the procedure, and in numerous recent episodes, her mother can be seen “acting” in various parts.


Fans have noticed the change in Gwen’s tone on social media, which has caused some to wonder whether the situation is even tensener behind the scenes. Rumors have it that a certain type of alienation is being kept under wraps. But that’s not the case.

Is Christine’s fourth child estranged from the rest of the family?

While Gwendlyn appears to be coming down a bit harder on her mother in recent Patreon and YouTube videos, she does not appear to be estranged from her family. Sure, she might not have gotten a Christmas 2021 invitation. Still, the entire Brown family, save for a few siblings, turned out for her July 2023 nuptials. Christine and Kody were both on hand, as was Robyn Brown and Christine’s new love, David Woolley.

There are several indications that the Browns are doing fine right now. Gwen just posted pictures of a gathering just for sisters. She appears to be informed about gossip and family happenings. Despite her reservations regarding Christine’s new engagement, Gwen also seems set on attending her wedding in October 2023.

Despite everything that has occurred in the Brown family, relations between the Brown siblings and the majority of the parents appear to be harmonious. How close they stay as they continue adjusting to the significant changes in their family dynamic will only become clear with time.
