Sister Wives: Janelle Makes Spiteful Reveal About Christine?


Christine Brown, Janelle Brown’s best friend on and off the TLC series Sister Wives, was the subject of some comments from the actress. Some fans found what Janelle stated to be quite upsetting. She kept this information a secret for quite some time. But she reveals it on the show this week.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown Shares Private Info About Christine Brown
After they both left Kody Brown, Christine Brown and Janelle Brown appeared to become more intimate. That’s good news, then. Janelle is currently conflicted in Season 18 since she still loves her spouse. He is not hearing her, either. He instead concentrates on a different bride. She assures him that she will never longer permit him to treat her in this way. Viewers of Sister Wives this Sunday will see how difficult Janelle Brown’s life has become in this episode.
It’s hard to tell just where Janelle is coming from in the upcoming episode. As she talks to her shared husband about their relationship, he keeps swaying back to Christine Brown. This has to hurt a bit.

Janelle Shocked Over What Kody Brown Says About Christine

In spite of Janelle’s attempts to express her feelings to her husband, he ignores her and proceeds to talk about how Christine left him. Again, this was not the reason Janelle intended to meet with the patriarch of the Sister Wives. She wished to discuss the two of them as well as their union. Janelle claimed that despite the man’s apparent shock at Christine’s departure, she had known for years that Kody had lost interest in her.

So how did this one co-wife know this about the other? Kody told this to Janelle Brown. That seems like a huge betrayal to Christine on Kody’s part, suggests some angry fans. He brags about being so careful not to let the intimate details of one relationship be known by another wife. Now it sounds like Kody and Janelle discussed how Christine didn’t appeal to him anymore. That could be hurtful to hear for Christine. But that wasn’t the end of it. What her co-wife said about her next might hurt as well.

Sister Wives: Not Interested In the Topic at Hand?
So, Janelle Brown didn’t make much headway with Kody. He seemed to use the platform of lunch with her to suggest he was the victim when Christine up and left. Of course, the Sister Wives cameras were honed in on him at the time. So, maybe with his second wife now telling him she wanted a separation, he had the need to get on the defensive.


But Janelle must have felt uncomfortable with this exchange. She is attempting to save her marriage at this point, and all he can do is bring up Christine. Then, while performing her confessional for the next Sister Wives show, Janelle touched on another subject. She finds it infuriating because Kody seems to be oblivious to Christine’s issues with him. Janelle wonders how he could be unaware of her dissatisfaction when he repeatedly revealed to her over the course of several years how intimately disinterested he was in Christine.

Is Janelle a Little Spiteful?

Then Janelle Brown suggested that all Kody would need to do is tell her just once that he lacked attraction for her. Right then and there she’d get rid of him. So, what is she saying about her buddy Christine Brown?

It’s understandable she could become upset as Kody pushed Christine Brown in her face during the entire time she tried to talk about their own marriage. But talking about Christine’s private life doesn’t seem right to some fans. Plus she seemingly put her Sister Wives co-wife down for hanging around all this time by saying she wouldn’t have done that. This left some fans with a bad taste in their mouths. A few suggested that this came off as a little spiteful on Janelle’s part.

The majority of admirers don’t regard Janelle Brown as having any spite in her. However, she was in a matrimonial battle, and Kody wouldn’t stop bringing Christine Brown into the fray. The good news is that this was filmed about two years ago, and a lot of ground has already been covered. Both of these women are free and clear of their common husband. They are so close that Christine Brown included Janelle Brown in a verbal prenup before she consented to wed the guy of her dreams, which will happen in a few more weeks. This shows how close they are. Fans also anticipate seeing that wedding on the TLC series.

