Sister Wives: Kody Brown Blames Christine For Stopping Janelle Reconciliation


Kody Brown wished he could make amends with Janelle Brown, his ex-wife. However, he was concerned that Christine Brown’s power may get in his way. Kody discussed how he felt about his relationships with Janelle, Meri Brown, and Robyn Brown on the most recent episode of Sister Wives. In a confessional, he admitted that Robyn was the “love of his life” and said that all of his other relationships were in various “states of discord.”

Kody looks at his relationships

“It’s hard to reconcile that we have so much angst in our lives,” Kody said.

He described his relationship with Meri as “amiable” but “distant.” He admitted that he doesn’t know what to do with their marriage, which is supposed to be forever but no longer has any fire.

As for Janelle, he said that she didn’t want to reconcile amidst their separation. He did admit, though, that they see each other occasionally and talk on the phone. He shared that he believed that they could reconcile but worried about Christine’s influence on her.

He said, “Christine has such power over Janelle, I just find it pathetic.” He worries that anything he would say to Janelle will reach Christine and the kids, so he doesn’t feel comfortable sharing his troubles with her.
Kody ultimately finds it difficult to comprehend “why Janelle can’t be married to me.” He said that when he married Meri, Christine, and Robyn, Janelle was already his wife. He is perplexed as to why things cannot simply be that way right now.


Janelle and Meri aren’t having it

For her part, Janelle also reflected on her relationship with Kody during the episode. She admitted to Christine that she needed “something different from a relationship,” and her dynamic with Kody didn’t fit the bill anymore. She called their relationship “friends with benefits for years.”

One year after Christine’s breakup with Kody and before Kody and Janelle’s formal separation, the most recent episode of the TLC series was taped. Before making a formal announcement, Meri made additional allusions to her breakup with Kody. In January, the former couple finally shared a joint Instagram statement regarding their breakup.

After ten years of improving their relationship in their own special ways, they said, “We have decided to permanently terminate our marriage relationship.”

Things have been steadily falling apart for Kody. I wonder what will happen in the months ahead.
