Sister Wives – Kody Brown’s Comparing Himself To Satan (Is It Reverse Psychology?)


Kody Brown of Sister Wives compares himself to the devil. Is he employing reverse psychology to dupe the show’s viewers? That is a distinct possibility.

Kody Brown compares himself to the “devil,” but he could be trying reverse psychology to convince viewers that he’s not the “a**hole” Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown believe he is. Mick Jagger plays Satan in the Rolling Stones song “Sympathy For The Devil,” enticing and repelling the listener at the same time. Kody might follow suit.

While he lacks the gleefully sadistic charm of the tune’s bloodthirsty protagonist, Sister Wives season 18 celeb Kody does have some things in common with the false prophet and, “beast from the sea” (as per Revelations 13:4). In season 18, Kody’s leaning into the villain role with a vengeance, perhaps weary of trying to please a bunch of women who do nothing but complain.

What’s The Nature Of Kody’s Game?

In Sister Wives season 18, Kody doesn’t seem to know what he wants. He could, however, be duping his wives and ex-wife, Christine. In “Sympathy For The Devil,” Mick (as Satan) sings, “What’s puzzlin’ you is the nature of my game.” His queen, Robyn Brown of Sister Wives, has no idea who Kody is right now. He appears to have changed, yet he could be acting to catch everyone off guard. He’s making the ladies in his life nervous by becoming increasingly erratic, volatile, and unpredictable.

In season 18, his Satanic rage is aimed at Janelle. He derisively calls this long-suffering spouse (who’s pushing shady Plexus dietary supplements to try and make ends meet, while he and Robyn live large) the, “Teflon Queen.” Fully entitled, he expects Janelle to solve all of his problems with their kids. His weak efforts to do the same have failed so far, but was his heart really in it? Gabriel, Savanah and Garrison Brown don’t think so.

Satan’s duty is to confuse the world through deception and lies. He usually succeeds by captivating his “marks” with his smooth demeanor. Kody’s charm is in short supply these days, but he used to be all sunny grins and allegedly committed adherence to the shadowy polygamist ideal. Underneath, the “devil” Kody is only concerned with himself. He just wants Robyn, though he has always pretended otherwise. Of course, the ultimate deceiver is Satan. Is Kody impersonating the evil one? Is it just an optical illusion?

Kody appears to be playing a game that he’s played for years. By losing the game i.e. losing three wives (which happens offscreen, after Sister Wives season 18), he’s actually winning. He doesn’t really want those women anyway. IRL, maybe he misses Janelle a little bit, but she was more like one of his “bros” than a true love interest. How could being one of the boys ever satisfy her? While Robyn gets cringe “romantic tension” with Kody, Janelle and the other exes get the dregs. Kody’s devilish game has drawn blood.

Is Kody A Man Of Wealth & Taste?

Mick’s devil is called a “man of wealth and taste.” He’s a brilliant guy who succeeds by brains and grace. Kody, on the other hand, has a thing for Barbie-style white sports cars, “Testosterone Tuesdays,” and Ramen hair. Nobody could call Kody sophisticated, thus Satan from “Sympathy For The Devil” has an advantage here. Kody simply cannot compete with such global complexity.

As for “wealth,” there’s chatter that Kody’s living beyond his means. While Mick’s devil could definitely con the innocent in ways that really lined his pockets (making all manner of decadence possible), it’s different for Kody. He reportedly makes money but squanders it. While there’s no concrete proof that Kody’s in debt, his own daughter Gwendlyn Brown accused him of wild spending. So, again, Mick’s Satan beats Kody fair and square.

Kody’s justification (or “sympathy for the devil?”) is that he has 18 children. In Sister spouses season 18, he still has a slew of spouses. This requires Duggar-style expenses that the average person cannot comprehend. While many of his children are now adults and self-sufficient, he has probably spent a significant amount of money on them over the years.


Of course, Kody is entitled to certain luxuries. He always puts himself out there. As a result, he is inundated with venom. The issue is that he appears to be living comfortably while the women he isn’t interested in go hungry. That is what makes the scenario sinister.

In The Brown Family, It Was Time For A Change

When Satan from The Rolling Stones decided it was “time for a change,” hell broke loose. He was referring to the Russian Revolution, during which Tsar Nicholas II’s daughter (Grand Duchess Anastasia) “screamed in vain.””While revolution is a sickening process that almost always results in brutal bloodshed, it is sometimes necessary.” Historically, a revolution was frequently the only method to remedy heinous wrongs in a society.

In the Brown family, revolution was long overdue. When Christine got tired of Kody’s antics, she bailed out, sparking a revolution that was thankfully free of gunshots and guillotines. However, that doesn’t mean it was painless. Now, Kody’s trying to seem more benign by comparing himself to a malevolent leader of demons who’s also known as the “ancient serpent,” as per Revelations 20:2. It’s reverse psychology because he couldn’t possibly be that bad, right?

Kody’s Dealing With So Much Doubt & Pain

Despite the fact that Kody has hurt three of his wives and looks to be making life difficult for Robyn, he, like Mick’s devil, craves “courtesy.” Is he genuinely deserving of such regard? When faced with temptation, he gave in. He could have given each woman equal attention, but his want to be with Robyn was too great.

Unable to resist, he devoted himself to Robyn, anticipating the repercussions to fall on his other spouses. This was a major miscalculation that eventually destroyed the Brown family. His affections for Robyn were too powerful to conceal, and he continues to try in the current season. Nobody has been fooled.

In “Sympathy For The Devil,” Satan’s threatening. He says, “Use all your well-learned politeness/or I’ll lay your souls to waste.” Likewise, Kody wants his wives to obey. That’s the essence of patriarchy, after all. When the women stop taking orders, that male-dominated system falls apart.

Kody’s rant about “sacred loneliness” was designed to make him appear empathetic, but it really reinforced his sexism. Women in numerous marriages, he feels, must suffer nicely. They must bear sadness, rejection, and years of sheer agony without crying, yelling, or creating a scene. What that entails for a female is simply too much. What woman can match that bizarre and chauvinistic “guide for living?”

Archangels destroyed Satan, so perhaps the patriarch will be brought down by “Kody’s angels.” They catered to him for years, whether it was to make money for the family, care for the children, or simply to comfort his wounded ego. They’re furious right now. As the new season begins, Kody is coping with unusually aggressive behavior from his wives.

Janelle’s swearing in Sister Wives season 18. She’s leaving holy loneliness behind, where it belongs. Her rage is causing Kody to doubt himself. It appears to be hurting him, but he could be a devilish character playing the long game. His fleeing wives may be playing directly into his hands, given that he was clearly sick of polygamy.


