Sister Wives’ Kody Says Janelle Thinks He’s “Hot” (Does She Just Want His Body?)


Kody Brown from Sister Wives has a big ego and always brags about his amazing abs and pecs. According to him, Janelle Brown adores his “hot” body.

In Sister Wives season 18, Kody Brown is flaunting his assets like a boss and can’t stop gushing about his “hot” figure. Kody claims that Janelle’s obsession with his ripped figure is the cause of his feeling like a himbo. Despite the fact that Kody is renowned for having a high opinion of himself, his remarks are stunning nonetheless. The inner workings of the uber-patriarch’s mind are displayed in those comments, which are frequently perplexing.

Sister Wives season 18 hasn’t had a whole lot of comic relief so far, so Kody’s musings about his “hotness” were more than welcome. While he sounded ridiculous, there may be a grain of truth to his claims that Janelle’s only interested in his body. When he started spouting off about his muscles, including his “six pack abs,” she got very quiet. The reality show star didn’t deny that she thinks he’s, “hot.” This was flabbergasting to say the least, as Janelle’s image is so businesslike and practical. Apparently, under those modest cardigans, there’s a wildcat.

Did Kody’s Hotness Make Janelle Stay?

Even though Kody can be really aggravating, Janelle has always persevered. Although she has left him off-screen, she is still trying to reconcile their differences in season 18. She seems to be clinging to some sort of hope. Is Kody’s major-league seductiveness to blame? She may find it difficult to separate herself from the golden god. The sensuality element was a great curveball, even if it’s easy to understand why Janelle would adore Kody even when he’s at his worst (they have so much history, after all).

Within the context of Sister Wives, sex isn’t usually discussed. The Brown family’s dynamics are examined ad nauseum (and by this author!), but the sexual component’s largely ignored. However, it may actually be very important. Kody recently tried to hide his “romantic tension” with Robyn Brown from Meri Brown, in a lame and way-too-late attempt to avoid hurting her. As Austin Powers would say, “that train has sailed.” Now, Kody’s talking about Janelle’s lust and what it means.

Things are getting spicy…so spicy! Maybe Janelle wanted a certain “type” of attention from Kody, and didn’t get it during the super-long COVID-19 pandemic. Her frustration might be leading her to explode in season 18. Under all the mundane yet strangely hypnotic fights about problems with the kids, money and more, there could be some simmering resentment. Janelle may want her man’s body, and be ready to throw in the towel because she doesn’t think she’ll get it.


Although Janelle seems to be the least envious of the group, she may be raging because Kody is completely fixated with Robyn. She has never had such a nasty temper. Does she simply want for Kody’s “nice pecs”? While she is in bed, Janelle claims she misses him. Just ponder that for a second! In essence, she is spelling it out. Meanwhile, uninformed viewers of Sister Wives may believe that her main concerns are related to routine tasks like handling children and finances. They might not have realized (until now) that Janelle longs for a husband who is very unlikely to step up to the plate.

What Does Janelle “Love” About Kody?

She says she loves him. Clinically assessing exactly what she could “love” leads to an interesting analysis. Since he mostly neglects her, his caring spirit is probably not drawing her in. As he’s abdicated from parenting their kids, his role as a father may not be so appealing. Because she has no money, and he lives high on the hog, his status as a provider is sketchy. So, he’s not caring, he doesn’t parent much, and he doesn’t give her any money. Yet she “loves” him. What exactly does she love? Maybe it really is his body.

Janelle, who is at her wits’ end because Kody is a large baby and too frail to lead the Brown family, feels something for whatever reason. Even though Kody frequently has weird illusions about his own brilliance, Janelle finds him to be completely seductive for sex. Star of Sister Wives season 18 Janelle is obviously of the opinion that Kody is gorgeous, but not hot enough because she eventually bailed.

