Sister Wives: Kody Wants Foul Remark Deleted From Interview


Star of Sister Wives Kody Brown made a terrible remark live on video and then demanded that the camera crew remove what he had just said. However, since they didn’t, what he stated is now permanently public knowledge.

This most recent interview is from a program unrelated to his TLC series. They posed some pointed questions to Kody Brown. However, it appeared like he responded too quickly before understanding his remarks would be problematic. However, the same might be said of a few responses he provided for this web series.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Makes Awful Comments

This week, Kody Brown appeared on the internet and responded to inquiries from viewers with remarks that some have described as disrespectful. The patriarch of Sister Wives wasn’t the depressed and gloomy man from this season’s episodes who whined about his wives leaving him. No, he had returned to his previous persona as the calm Kody from Sister Wives. Then he explained how he had everything at once.

He talked about how, upon marrying a fourth type of jeans, he realized he had made it in life. Kody claimed that Robyn’s marriage to him was the greatest sign of his accomplishment. Yet. Regretfully, his three other spouses didn’t share that opinion.

Many fans found themselves taken aback by hearing this “model” thing. Especially when he just kept going on and on about Robyn Brown. He put her on such a high pedestal during this interview that some fans say she sounded like a saintly victim when he was through.

Kody Recalls How Lucky He Was to Land Robyn Brown

Kody Brown sounded impressed with himself during this interview. He said that he couldn’t believe how lucky he was when Robyn chose him after a slew of men lined up to snag her as their wife. She picked him, a “jeans model” and he said that did a lot for his ego. He talked about influential men within their church wanting to marry Robyn, but she decided Kody was the one for her.

Then, when he went into what his religion was all about, well it didn’t fare well with Sister Wives fans. He explained that the belief is you have an eternal marriage with the individual woman you marry. But then Kody throws out how this was started as a “control” strategy for the women in the church.

Men and women think differently, so explains Kody Brown. He spewed his explanation of the different sexes with the authority you’d expect from a world-renowned psychologist. But he’s not. His take, women need to believe in something for them to share a man, so someone started this eternal marriage theory. This way it made the women feel they do their part religiously by sharing a man. But for the man, well, he got to have more than one woman, building their egos.

He shared this openly in the interview and this was not the comment he wanted them to cut from the scene.

Sister Wives: Delete That…
Kody began discussing Robyn’s “other mother,” who is purportedly a sister wife of her mother. This woman has different views on eternal marriage than the patriarch of the Sister Wives has. While he does not deny the possibility of an afterlife, he does believe that a disastrous marriage ends here on Earth. It won’t last till you reach eternal life.
However, Robyn’s second mother contests this. In her next life, she hopes to marry the man she is currently married to. However, Kody declared he would flee from her if he were her spouse. Then he stopped, and all of a sudden he was afraid that she may witness this interview. At this point, he requests the interviewers to remove the passage in which he suggests the spouse run. That is, they didn’t.
Kody goes on to idolize Robyn who he feels was naive when she first entered the family. He goes on to say, “She’s almost embarrassed by how naive she was” when she first came into this family. So there you have it, the arrival of Robyn was the place in Kody’s life where he realized he was a success. He dissed one of her mother’s sister wives only to ask the interviewers to edit what he said out of the interview, which they did not.

This got fans thinking about how often he must ask the TLC people to delete scenes from his series. And they wonder if the people behind the Sister Wives cameras would oblige Kody Brown or not.

