Sister Wives Preview: Robyn Drags Meri Into Explosive Scene


Robyn Brown appears to set Meri Brown up for an embarrassing moment on the TLC series the next week, which Sister Wives then forces her into. Robyn infuriated followers with what some perceive to be a dirty trick. One that she recently pulled a prank on her co-wife. But it now appears that all will be resolved on the forthcoming show on Sunday.

Sister Wives: How Can Robyn Brown Say She’s Meri Brown’s Friend?

Early on, Meri Brown referred to Robyn Brown, her co-wife, as her best friend. But everything came to an end. The first wife has been referring to Jenn Sullivan as her best friend for the past few years. This season of Sister Wives features Jenn in a couple episodes.

Fans can see that Jenn is looking out for her closest friend and that Robyn isn’t. Meri Brown is still hopeful that she and Kody Brown will be able to restart their marriage at this point in the season. However, it appears as though the upcoming Sister Wives episode might make everything fall apart for her. When it does, Kody says things that are so horrible that viewers worry the show has strayed too far.

Meri Listened to Robyn

Sister Wives cameras caught Robyn seemingly baiting Meri with false hope about their shared husband. Robyn Brown told her that Kody always includes her when they talk about building on Coyote Pass. Robyn tried to assure Meri that his vision included her with them on the property.

Meri highly doubted this was the case, but listened just the same. So, in the next Sister Wives episode, it looks like she takes that false hope to another level. In the video above, Meri tells Kody that she knows he is capable of loving her.

She said he loved her once, and she knows he can do it again, so she’s not giving up hope. But Kody tells the original first wife that he can’t be what she wants him to be to her. Most surmised that means a romantically involved husband.

But what can you expect from a guy who calls his kids and their mothers “jerks” on national television? He said he doesn’t want to call or talk to his kids. His exact words were, “All of you are just kind of jerks. I don’t want to be around you, and I’m tired of it.” So it looks like Kody multiplying his love fell by the wayside. The Sister Wives viewers heard his math equation at the opening of every episode for more than a decade. He said love is to be multiplied and not divided, Well, today it looks like Kody graduated to division.


Sister Wives: Brutal to Watch…
Telling Kody that he once loved her and suggesting that he could love her again was brutal for the fans to hear on this Sister Wives preview. Especially when he gives her the answer that he can’t be what she wants him to be.
Viewers found this hard to watch as Meri seemingly humiliated herself by saying this to Kody. But many blame Robyn Brown, who pushed her into having this talk with their shared husband.

Meri Has Last Laugh?

You can’t be certain what happens between each scene in the Sister Wives teaser above because these segments, as I said, are edited. The next thing Meri Brown says, however, is unexpected—almost as if she is having the last laugh with Robyn Brown. Meri responds that it is unfair for her to be alone, as she has been for the past several years. After then, you can see Robyn’s reaction, which some fans question as to whether it is genuine. The subsequent scene appears to show Meri Brown breaking away from Kody and Robyn Brown.
Robyn sobs hysterically. She then claims that she didn’t want this. However, Robyn was not the one who was simply declined. The fact that she is making this about her has outraged her fans. Additionally, some of the comments from viewers seem to indicate that they believe Robyn Brown set Meri Brown up for failure. Robyn Brown appeared to give Meri Brown false optimism on last week’s episode of Sister Wives. Apparently as a result of the false hope Robyn offered her, Meri now seems to find herself in an embarrassing predicament when the next episode airs.

It sounds as if she took her co-wife’s advice and poured her heart out to Kody. And… he doesn’t look too happy that Meri Brown did this next week on the TLC series.

