Sister Wives Stars Are TORN APART After Kody Brown’s Multiple Splits?


The Sister Wives ensemble as a whole is going through a significant life shift. After the family rupture, Kody Brown is going through the most difficult phase. In the space of a few years, he had gone through three divorces that were back-to-back. Over the years, viewers of the show have witnessed the patriarch of the Brown family ruling over his polygamous household.
Season 18 is now illuminating what happened after Kody and Christine’s divorce. He already has Janelle and Meri on the verge of a breakup. Regarding the family dynamics in the current scenarios, fans have many questions. Since the family fight, it seems as though the cast members have been torn apart. What will occur after that?

Sister Wives: Kody & His Exes Are Living In Chaos!

After losing three spouses in a row, Kody Brown is going through the darkest time in his life. After the family fight, the only one at his side is Robyn Brown. Following the breakup of Christine, Janelle, and Meri, the couple is now monogamous.

The first person to leave the poly marriage was Christine. When Janelle realized there was no need to stay with the patriarch, she soon did the same. Meri, meantime, made the decision after giving up all hope of winning back his love and trust.

Sister Wives Season 18 features all the drama in Kody’s life after his divorce from Christine. The former polygamist had a blowout fight with Janelle, and Meri is packing her bags to move to Utah for business purposes.

However, Robyn is trying to take a last laugh at her so-called best friend, Meri Brown. She made sure to give her false hope that Kody still valued her and cared for her. Robyn tried to make her husband believe that he could still love Meri in the future.


But, the patriarch gave a cold shoulder to his first wife and insulted her. Recently, Intouch revealed that the current situation of the family is a mess. A source stated, “The sister wives have been torn apart.”

The insider revealed, “There’s mayhem on the show. It’s unclear if Meri is leaving and whether Kody cares or not!” Now, fans will have to wait to see how their lives will unfold by the end of the new season.

Sister Wives: Kody Admits He’s Experiencing “Death” With Robyn!

After the polygamous arrangement fell apart, only Robyn and Kody Brown were left as the two biggest stars. However, because of the family dynamics, their monogamous relationship has struck a hard point. All of Kody’s ex-wives, it would appear, left him for valid reasons.
Now, the Sister Wives patriarch, Kody, is living in frustration for losing his previous wives. Robyn Brown opened up several times that her marriage was suffering because of her husband’s multiple divorces. Now, Kody also admitted that his marriage with Robyn was facing death.
Brown confessed recently that he is facing a death-like experience with his only remaining wife. Also, he stated that the consecutive divorces had changed him completely as a person.

But the Sister Wives star is grateful that his fourth wife was dealing with everything very gracefully.
