Susan Returns To Days Of Our Lives And Exposes Ej’S Paternity Cover


Days of Our Lives’ ability to make connections in the most unexpected ways is fascinating. It is especially appealing when fans frequently lament the lack of rationality in soap operas. Let us explain where we are headed with this in case you are curious. The biggest kept secret in Salem right now is that Eric is Nicole’s biological father. without a single logical explanation for it to come out. Susan’s early arrival, nevertheless, might be the key to getting the cat out of the bag! And the seeds for it were planted years ago! To learn more, continue reading!

Ava Brings Susan Home, EJ Reunited With His Mother

When Ava kidnapped and drove Susan off the cliff on Days of Our Lives, we thought we had seen the last of EJ’s eccentric mother. However, that’s not the case. When Harris crossed paths with Ava at Bayview, a different truth came to light. Although she was suffering from hallucinations, she soon started to get telepathic messages from Susan. Thus affirming that she was actually alive somewhere in this physical world.

On Days of Our Lives, Ava and Harris were able to locate Susan in London with the help of the telepathic messages she was exchanging. The following episodes will see Susan return to Salem and reunited with her family, according to the spoilers. Now, if you have been a long-time viewer of the Peacock soap opera, you are aware that Susan has “special abilities.” which she has frequently utilized to receive prophecies. Additionally, the creators did a great job of bringing back our powers in this rescue plot. Now, if you’re curious as to why it exists, keep reading!


Days of Our Lives: Susan’s Psychic Senses Detect The Disconnection

We know how incredibly close EJ and Susan are on Days of Our Lives. Once the initial shock, excitement, and high of their reunion settles. The mother and son will surely catch up on what’s going on in EJ’s life. He will give her the fantastic news of Nicole’s pregnancy. And this is where the story will take an unexpected turn! As soon as Susan and Nicole start spending time together, the former may start to sense that something is off. The more time passes, the more Susan will realize that the baby in Nicole’s belly is not biologically related to EJ.

The most recent Days of Our Lives spoilers indicate that Susan’s precognitive dreams will initiate the big reveal. EJ will eventually discover the truth that Eric is Nicole’s baby’s biological father. The spoilers also hint that he would be greatly upset by the news and lose control of his emotions. Do you believe this will cause him to revert to his evil ways? Will EJ embrace the genuine darkness for which his father Stefano DiMera was renowned? In the comments, please.
