Three Gun-Wielding Salemites Threaten Death, But Only One Pulls The Trigger — Plus, Gwen Finally Unleashes On Leo


On today’s episode of Days of Our Lives, Vivian, Kristen, and Dimitri are all out for blood, Gwen exacts her revenge with a banana cream pie, and Sonny tries to stop Alex from moping. She shows up with Victor’s will as Vivian makes preparations to purge the Kiriakis mansion of all traces of Maggie. After tearing it up, Vivian tells Maggie to leave her home. She is savvy enough, according to Maggie, not to have brought the original will. She has also prepared herself. She screams for a deputy, who arrives and carries Vivian away while handing her an eviction notice.

Over coffee at the Pub, Marlena tells Kate that Eric seems to be happy with Sloan. Kate wishes them the best, then pivots to discussing Vivian. Marlena’s surprised to hear that Vivian is soon to be kicked out on her ass. Kate revels in Vivian getting what she deserves.

Sonny’s pounding on the door awakens Alex, who sleeps on his couch near a liquor bottle. Rushing inside, Sonny says, “Dad told me the score.” Alex retorts, “Your dad told you the score. My ex-dad. Dad no more.” Sonny urges him not to think like that. Alex says it makes sense why Sonny and Justin are universally beloved and he’s not. He asks Sonny to leave, but Sonny won’t let him feel sorry for himself. Their connection and love haven’t changed. “My dad is not my dad, and you and I are not brothers,” Alex declares. “End of story.”

Gwen declares to a cheerful Kristen in the living room of the DiMera home that she is prepared to make this day her husband and best friend’s darkest, most dismal day ever. They must come up with a penalty appropriate for their betrayal. Leo snaps out of a nightmare in which a cold-blooded Dimitri kills Stefan and Gabi. He phones Dimitri urgently, but he doesn’t answer.

Dimitri joins Kristen and Gwen, who informs him that a surprise is in store. She purrs about how she almost lost her head over him in a language dripping with doublespeak. Dimitri leaves the women to continue working on his surprise as the doorbell rings. Only one punishment, according to Kristen, will adequately reflect Dimitri’s transgression. “We must murder him.”

At Alex’s place, Sonny yells at his brother for wallowing in self-pity. Alex shouts that he needs time to think. Everything he knew is a lie. Sonny insists their DNA doesn’t make them brothers. It’s the time they spent together. Their past hasn’t changed, so screw him for claiming they’re not brothers.

In their bedroom, Stefan informs Gabi that even if they get Dimitri’s DiMera shares, they’ll only have enough to tie for the most votes. After he rattles off who will side with whom, Gabi suggests they go after Li’s vote. Stefan scoffs, but Gabi thinks she can seduce it out of him.

In the living room, Kristen tells a wary Gwen that if Dimitri dies, she’ll get his inheritance. Gwen insists she’s not a murderer, so how about she withdraw money from Dimitri’s secret says. “Dimitri has it coming to him.”

Dimitri finds Leo pacing outside the DiMera mansion. Leo begs his beau to tell him he didn’t kill Stefan and Gabi. Dimitri whispers that the day is still young. Leo fears Dimitri will go to prison and he’ll lose him forever. Dimitri embraces Leo, assuring him that won’t happen. After more begging, Dimitri promises he won’t kill them. They hug again as Gwen opens the front door.
At the apartment, Sonny asks if Alex has at least talked to their father. “You mean my cousin Justin?” Alex deadpans. Sonny reminds him that their dad is hurting, too. Alex can’t talk to him because none of this makes sense. Sonny urges him to come to terms with it and deal with his anger. Most importantly, Alex needs to think about Dad, because he is just as messed up about it. “But make no mistake,” Sonny says. “He does and always will love you like a son.” And Sonny will always love him like a brother. Everything else is meaningless. Even if he agrees with that, Alex can’t let go of the fact that he was deceived all his life. He can’t just learn that Victor Kiriakis is his father and not be fundamentally changed. He has to rethink everything.


Gwen poses as Kristen’s caller at the DiMera estate, giving Dimitri and Leo space to break from of their embrace. Everyone starts lying once she joins them to hide their genuine motives. Leo rolls his eyes as Gwen makes a show of kissing Dimitri in front of him. Gwen strolls off, and Dimitri announces that he must deal with Gabi, who has been texting him nonstop. He is pressured by Leo to vow to save Gabi and Stefan. Dimitri says, “A bientot, mon amour,” and enters. Why is he now speaking French, Leo asks. He sighs, “And why do I feel like my entire life is ready to burn to a crisp?

In their bedroom, Stefan explodes, ordering Gabi not to so much as bat an eyelash at Li. As much as he loves power, he loves his wife even more. He passionately kisses her. Gabi assures him he’s the only one she loves. She was just trying to get him all hot and bothered. They kiss again.

As Sonny visits Maggie on his way out of town, she asks about Alex. He shares it’s not easy on him. Maggie doesn’t think it’ll be easy on any of them. At least Maggie is at least back where she belongs, Sonny notes. Maggie delights over kicking Vivian to the curb. God help whoever she targets next.

Vivian shows up on Alex’s doorstep, hoping to team up against Maggie. Alex throws her out. Gwen comes to Leo’s hotel room with his favorite treat — a banana cream pie. He calls her the greatest friend a girl could ask for. Gwen smashes it in his face.

When Dimitri returns to Kristen, she aims her gun at him. He knows she’s angry, but he also thinks she’s bluffing. She cocks the gun. “Are you sure about that?” Dimitri swears he has no intention of cheating her out of a piece of his inheritance. Standing firm, she thinks she should already be swimming in cash. He doesn’t believe she’ll kill him over money. He puts his chest to the barrel and grips it. Scowling, she lets go. He keeps the gun as she stalks out.

Alone at the mansion, Maggie unpacks her figurines. She tells Victor’s photo that it’s good to be home, but it’s lonely without him. “Oh, darling, I miss you so much,” she says through tears.

Alex mulls on Vivian’s remarks about stealing Maggie’s company when she gets home. Leo smeared pie all over his face and wanted to know what was going on. You bastard, for sleeping with my husband,” shouts Gwen.

Stefan and Gabi find Dimitri after having sex, and he pulls Kristen’s gun on them. In front of Gabi, Stefan takes a defensive stance. Dimitri claims they’ll build stunning corpses if it helps them feel better. While a shot is being fired, Stefan and Gabi cling to one another. Stefan hurriedly examines Gabi and then himself. Dimitri sinks to the ground as he turns to face him. Vivian is standing behind him holding a revolver.

