Torres Is Caught In A Compromising Position In ‘Ncis’ Season 22 Episode 7 Sneak Peek


Torres’ efforts to find a partner on MateQuest might not have succeeded, but there is always room to try again. His coworkers witnessed his epically unattractive profile, and while they threw their support behind him, they had concerns. These concerns converge on NCISSeason 22, Episode 7, “Hardboiled,” which finds Torres working with a CI when the team finds him and the wrong impression is made. The logline below for the December 2 episode teases this case. CBS released some sneak peeks into the episode, which finds Torres getting caught with someone’s wife in a motel.

“Torres receives intel from a confidential informant regarding top secret naval information that’s at risk of being sold.”

Parker knocks on a motel door when the video below begins. Torres emerges from inside the room, and, by the looks on everyone’s faces, it is unexpected. “Hey, guys. What are you doing here?” Torres asks nervously. “We need to speak to Mrs Carnahan,” Jessica reveals the reason for their visit. A female voice calls Torres from inside the room as if on cue and asks whether everything is alright. Parker pushes the door open to reveal Mrs. Carnahan, who has just stepped out of the shower. One can almost see the wheels turning inside the agents’ heads as they try to make sense of the scene before them. It looks like Torres is doing so poorly in online dating he’s resulted in sleeping with married women. “It’s not what it looks like,” he jumps quickly to his own defense.


The Team Gets the Wrong Impression About Torres in ‘NCIS’ Season 22, Episode 7

Indeed, it’s not what it looks like since the woman is a confidential informant who sought out Torres. She revealed that her husband got top-secret information from the Naval Research team. The information includes the secret schematics for a supersonic missile, Mad Falcon. The research team had been developing the missile, but Mr. Carnhan got his hands on it and is willing to sell it to the highest bidder. It is a race against time to find him before that information lands in the hands of the wrong party and puts the country at a disadvantage, not forgetting the national security risk.

Watch the episode written by Andrew Bartels and directed by Jose Clemente Hernandez on CBS on December 2 at 9 p.m. ET to see how everything plays out. Catch up with past episodes of NCIS Season 22 on Paramount+.

