After calling on Roger by name, Jamie called on Fergus in the Outlander Season 5 premiere. What made this so important for the characters?
During the call to arms, Jamie called out both Roger and Fergus by name. The first was to give his son-in-law a chance to step forward and take the role of captain. For Fergus, calling him in the Outlander Season 5 premiere had a different importance.
Jamie uses the words “son of my name.” For anyone who could possibly doubt that Jamie views Jamie as his own son, this moment would have stood out. During Fergus’s wedding, Jamie made it clear that Fergus is officially a Fraser. This moment reiterates that in front of the tenants of Fraser’s Ridge and the British Army.
You can see that Fergus takes this seriously. He knows what it means. On bended knee, he pledges his loyalty and his oath to follow “My Lord” through everything.
He may never have called Jamie “Dad,” but Jamie has been the only father figure he’s ever known. He’s always looked up to Jamie, and this moment shows that Jamie continues to respect Fergus and call him family.
There are sadly some who wouldn’t view adopted sons and daughters in the same way as biological ones. This is something that has always set Jamie apart, and it continues to push the point as to why Jamie expected Roger to return to Brianna and baby Jemmy right away after saving him from the Mohawks.
Of course, the situation surrounding Jamie and Fergus was very different to Roger’s situation. Fergus had joined Jamie as an employed member of the house and found a place as Jamie’s adopted son. It was a gradual change and not one from Claire being raped by a man Jamie detested.
Regardless, though, the moment in the call to arms was one of the most important for Jamie and Fergus’s relationship. it continues to reiterate that Jamie does view Fergus as his son, regardless of blood.