Where Does Janelle Brown Reside Now? Sister Wives Star Updated Living Status


The reality TV star Janelle Brown, who is well-known for appearing on “Sister Wives,” is a member of a polygamous household. She made a huge shift in 2018, working alongside her ex-husband Kody Brown and co-wives Meri and Robyn Brown. They moved to Flagstaff, Arizona, from the glamorous Las Vegas.

Living in an RV on Coyote Pass
Choosing to reside in an RV on the family-owned Coyote Pass property was a notable decision by Janelle. She was in anticipation of her dream home’s construction. This lifestyle choice, though seen as simple and closer to nature, came with its challenges. Living without fundamental amenities like water and electricity was a hurdle.

Residence as of Right for Janelle

The issue of “where does Janelle Brown live?” has recently received a lot of interest. She still considers Flagstaff to be her home, as seen by her most recent Instagram postings, but only part-time. This change has occurred since her breakup with Kody Brown.

The Special Circumstance
Janelle’s dwelling situation is peculiar compared to those of the other sister wives. She is an exception because she doesn’t have any real estate or a residence in her name. In Flagstaff, she chose to rent rather than own. The show’s viewers have engaged in a variety of conversations as a result of this unusual situation.


Additional Important Information

Janelle’s life has been influenced by recent events in addition to her current domicile. The effects of Kody Brown’s relationship with Christine and Janelle were shown in “Sister Wives”‘ most recent seasons. With an eye toward the year 2023, Janelle now intends to set out on a quest to remake herself as a “independent woman.”

In conclusion, many people are still fascinated by Janelle Brown’s home and personal story. While Flagstaff continues to play a significant role in her life, many people are most interested in seeing how she navigates the road to freedom.

