Why Claire Saw Wings In Outlander Season 7 Explained


Claire repeatedly saw a vision of beating wings in Outlander season 7’s finale, but what did this really mean? This most recent episode followed Claire as she recovered from her gunshot wound, and she saw a variety of things as she journeyed close to death. Between the blue wings and Master Raymond’s mysterious visit to her bedside, Claire developed a theory that her first daughter, Faith, had somehow survived infancy. While this is still a bit of a stretch, the details of Faith’s birth back in Outlander season 2 have everything to do with Claire’s visions in season 7.

It’s still unclear in Outlander whether Claire’s visions were real or simply the result of her injury. Regardless, what she saw peaked something inside her, and Claire could not get little Faith out of her mind. When Master Raymond appeared by her bedside, he apologized for something he had done to her, though he wouldn’t reveal precisely what. It was during this dream that Claire saw the image of the massive blue wings carrying a bird into flight. Then, Claire saw this same thing again in Outlander when Fanny sang “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside”—but why?

Claire Saw Blue Heron Wings After Her Miscarriage In Outlander Season 2

Master Raymond Asked Her What She Could See

The wings that Claire keeps seeing in Outlander season 7’s finale are that of a “Great Blue Heron,” which was a significant feature of Outlander season 2, episode 7, “Faith.” During the episode’s opening scene, Claire and a little Brianna look at a book on birds together in the 20th century. Brianna points out the picture of the blue heron, and asks her mother if she had ever seen one before. Claire answers that she has, noting that she had once seen this bird in Scotland. She clearly becomes melancholic at the thought, and this Outlander scene quickly segues back to Claire’s miscarriage in 18th century France.

Claire’s first daughter, Faith, was stillborn in Outlander season 2, episode 7, and Claire herself nearly died as well when a piece of placenta remained festering in her womb. She only lived because Master Raymond appeared by her bedside and healed her. He placed his hands on her face and body, and instructed Claire to close her eyes and tell him what she saw. When Claire obeyed, she saw those same blue wings beating. This vision returns to Claire in Outlander season 7 when Master Raymond appears in her dream and when Fanny sings, and there is a very good reason.

Master Raymond Told Claire That The Blue Wings Would Carry Her Pain Away

The Blue Wings Are Related To Claire & Master Raymond’s Healing Power

When Claire told Master Raymond about the blue wings she saw in Outlander season 2, he told her that blue was the color of healing. He went on to explain that the wings would carry away Claire’s pain, but only if she let them. Master Raymond healed Claire, but it’s implied that he was only able to because Claire relinquished control of her pain. She allowed those blue wings to do their work, participating in the healing process with her own mysterious power.

After Claire was healed, Master Raymond further explained that he called her “Madonna” because she had a blue aura—the same as the Virgin Mary and himself.

After Claire was healed, Master Raymond further explained that he called her “Madonna” because she had a blue aura—the same as the Virgin Mary and himself. Every person in Outlander has a colored aura, and Master Raymond is among those who can see this. People with blue auras are natural healers, so Claire possessing this quality explains why she is such a passionate nurse and doctor. It’s not simply her experience that makes her an effective healer, but a natural aspect of her very being. Master Raymond is precisely the same.


The fact that Claire and Master Raymond have a blue aura in Outlander proves that these characters possess the same magical ability to heal. The magic that Raymond used to banish Claire’s infection is something the Outlander protagonist herself could master if she set her mind to it. Of course, it has been decades since this power was used to save Claire’s life, and she hasn’t exercised her ability any further. However, the vision of the blue heron’s wings in Outlander season 7 and her theory that Faith might have lived may motivate Claire to do so.

Why The Blue Heron Is Significant For Claire’s Character In Outlander

The Heron Is Personal For Claire

Claire’s vision of the blue heron is closely associated with Master Raymond, so this animal may represent this strange man in Outlander. However, it seems more likely that this elegant bird is a reflection of Claire’s own character and a symbol of healing. She told Brianna that she had seen blue herons in Scotland, which is clearly an important location within Claire’s story. This is where she first traveled through time and where she met Jamie Fraser, her soulmate. However, interestingly, great blue herons are not native to Scotland—just as Scotland isn’t truly Claire’s home.

Great blue herons are native to North America, and it seems like no coincidence that this is where Jamie and Claire have settled in Outlander. Scotland holds a special place in their hearts, but the Frasers have made North Carolina their home. It seems that Claire’s blue heron was a hint that this location would be key in her future, but it may go even further than that. Claire saw the blue heron when she lost her daughter, and she has now seen it again after meeting Fanny Pocock, who is potentially Faith’s daughter. The blue heron may have been a sign that North America is where Claire would be reunited with her blood.

What The Blue Heron’s Wings Mean For Outlander Season 8

Claire’s Power & Understanding Is Sure To Grow

The last we saw of Claire’s blue heron in Outlander season 7, Fanny Pocock had just been singing “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside.” This is the 20th-century number that Claire had sung to little Faith in season 2, and this particular detail inspired the theory that the baby had somehow lived. Outlander season 8 will have to reveal whether this is true or not. Regardless, it can be assumed that Claire’s blue aura and healing ability will be a key feature of the coming episodes. This means that the great blue heron will again come into play.

One way or another, it continues to be clear in Outlander that these beautiful wings are essential to Claire’s story.

It should become more apparent in Outlander season 8 precisely what the blue heron represents for Claire. The bird may be the physical representation of Claire’s own power, or it could be a sign from the universe about where she can discover her destiny. The heron could be tied directly to Master Raymond, or the soul of Faith Fraser may be represented by this bird instead. One way or another, it continues to be clear in Outlander that these beautiful wings are essential to Claire’s story. They carried away her pain, and they will carry her toward her ending as well.
