Why Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond Left Doctor Who


Across its immense 60-year history, Doctor Who has offered fans a plethora of different companions. From Susan Foreman all the way to the most recent Ruby Sunday, all of these characters help to give The Doctor a sense of humanity and comfort during stressful times. These characters also help viewers feel more intertwined with these space-age storylines, ensuring that audiences can relate to the alien struggles shown on screen.

Amy Pond joined the show at a crucial time, an era of change and excitement. With a new set of writers and producers at hand, it seemed as if the show was finally ready to kick things up a gear. As such, her character allowed audiences to see a different side to female companions and gave many fans a new role model to look up to. But how did Amy Pond leave the show, and is there a chance that Karen Gillan will reprise her role in the future?

Amy’s Childhood Resembles the Fans’ Love of Doctor Who

Complete with a sarcastic tone and a dry sense of humor, Amy Pond burst onto screens back in 2010. Not only was she the first companion featured in the new Steven Moffat era, but she is one of a few companions that fans saw right from her early childhood. It could be argued that this was a bold choice from the writers, but many fans believe that Amy’s younger self effectively represents how they feel about The Doctor. In Season 5, Episode 1, “The Eleventh Hour,” fans see Amy as a young child and how she would collect toys and trinkets that would resemble The Doctor. This small detail was an excellent way to set up a new companion, especially after the immense success of the Tenth Doctor era. In this episode, fans see Amy creating imaginary worlds with her action figures, something that many Doctor Who fans would do in their youth. Thus, this scene could be a subtle way of expressing that a new era of the show was emerging, but the essence of the franchise would still remain the same.

As Amy matures and grows up, she still keeps The Doctor close to her heart. In Season 5, Episode 13, “The Big Bang,” Amy is preparing to marry the man she has loved since she was a small child but is still awaiting the arrival of her beloved Raggedy Man. This episode also shows her as a little girl praying to Santa Claus in the hopes that she will see him again. Though this episode is undoubtedly very complex and jumps through various points in time and space, one thing remains consistent: Amy’s love for The Doctor. Again, this trait makes Amy incredibly relatable, even from the beginning of her arc. She loves The Doctor as much as the fans do, making her the perfect companion for die-hard fans of the franchise.

Her Relationship With Rory Shows the Joys of Marrying Your Best Friend

Though Amy can easily stand on her own two feet, her relationship with her childhood sweetheart, Rory Williams, gave her entire arc a sentimental touch. Though many fans are divided on Rory, with many noting that he has a tendency to get overly jealous, there’s no denying that his bond with Amy is tooth-achingly sweet. Plus, though Rory can be a little timid at times, he will always go out of his way to protect the woman he loves. This is particularly evident in Season 6, Episode 7, “A Good Man Goes to War,” where fans see Amy trapped within the confines of the Demon’s Run base. Yet, before her daughter, Melody, is snatched away from her, she tells her that her father will come and rescue them. Not only does this episode give a clear example of the strong and secure bond between Amy and Rory, but it’s also a refreshing take on relationships in Doctor Who. Previously, fans had to sit through the toxic coupling of Rose and Mickey, wondering if the pair would ever realize just how bad they are for each other. So, by showing Rory as a savior who is determined to save his wife and children, the audience can revel in a new and endearing relationship on the show.


The joyful nuances of Amy and Rory’s relationship are also displayed in “The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe.” Here, fans watch the pair lay the table for Christmas dinner and prepare an extra seat just in case The Doctor decides to turn up unannounced. Although this is a subtle move on Rory’s part, it’s an incredibly powerful action. By including The Doctor in his world of marital bliss, he shows the audience that he has come to terms with Amy’s infatuation with The Doctor and no longer feels envious of their unique bond. In addition, The Doctor is technically the Pond’s son-in-law, giving Rory the chance to welcome the Time Lord into his home and bring the trio to Earth, without worrying about how it will impact his relationship with his wife. Simple things like this are what makes Doctor Who so intriguing, as it highlights how characters like Rory can come to terms with traveling across space and time with an alien and learn not to let it overrule the things that matter most in life.

Gillan’s Departure Was a Mutual Decision With Writers

Before leaving the show, Karen Gillan wanted to pay tribute to Amy’s character by giving her a deeply emotive and moving ending. In Season 7, Episode 5, “The Angels Take Manhattan,” Amy deliberately comes face to face with a Weeping Angel so that she can get transported back to 1938 to be with her husband. In turn, the couple spent the rest of their days in New York during the mid-20th century and died in their eighties. To accompany this devastating finale, a mini-episode called P.S. was released online in 2012. In this 5-minute clip, Rory’s father meets Anthony Williams for the first time, the son that Amy and Rory adopted back in 1946. Thus, it’s clear that the writers were keen to give Amy’s arc a keen sense of closure, offering her a complete life with the man she loves rather than just killing her off.

Despite her impactful legacy on Doctor Who, Karen Gillan resigned from the role of Amy Pond after just two years. But, it seems that Gillan didn’t leave the show on bad terms and was just eager to pursue other opportunities. Marvel fans will best recognize her as Nebula from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and others may remember her in the revived Jumanji movies. Unlike other Doctor Who companions, Gillan has not appeared in any Big Finish audio dramas, giving the impression that she is not going to return to the franchise any time soon. Regardless of whether Amy Pond will start traveling in the TARDIS again, many fans appreciate her presence in the earlier seasons and view her as a prime example of a headstrong and courageous companion.
