Over the years, Outlander has established a trend with its characters, but there just isn’t time to continue this into season 8. This will be the last installment in the romantacy series, and with only 10 episodes, time is running short to wrap up the story. The final arc of Outlander will require a steady rise and fall before it concludes in a (hopefully) satisfying ending. Therefore, the characters must quickly get into position for their final stories in the first few episodes. We are ready for action, reunions, tears, and a final big, jolting conflict, so there really isn’t time to waste.
As of the end of Outlander season 7, each character is in limbo. Jamie and Claire are headed back to Fraser’s Ridge, where they hope to resume their happy life together until the Revolutionary War reaches North Carolina. They have Fanny Pocock with them, who could end up being Jamie and Claire’s own granddaughter. Then there are Brianna and Roger, who were left in limbo at the end of Outlander season 7 in that they aren’t sure of their next move. They will almost certainly return to Fraser’s Ridge in 1779 to be reunited with Jamie and Claire—but Outlander tends to draw out stories like this.
Outlander Tends To Take Its Time Reuniting Separated Characters
This Is What Outliner Does Best
In a way, Outlander is all about separation and reunions. There’s an extensive theme that the space between loved ones is only ever temporary and, regardless of the obstacles, they will always find their way back to one another. We have seen this countless times with Jamie and Claire, who have been separated for hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades but always made it back for a dramatic reunion. Brianna and Roger have also experienced similar separations, with season 7 serving as a great example since Roger spent some time in the year 1739.
Brianna has also been separated from her parents on several occasions, and her reunions with them are always dramatic and heartwarming. The inevitable reunion between Brianna, Claire, and Jamie in Outlander season 8 will surely be the best and most emotional yet, since it has been at least five years since they last saw one another. Given Outlander’s trend, it will be prepared for Brianna and Roger to face endless obstacles before this reunion happens. However, there really isn’t time.
There’s No Time To Waste Bringing Brianna & Her Parents Back Together
An Extended Separation Isn’t The Way To Go Here
I would be extremely frustrated if Brianna and Roger spent Outlander season 8 fighting to return to Fraser’s Ridge, only for the series to end shortly after. Sure, it would build tension leading up to the finale (something the TV show loves to do compared to the books), but I would much rather establish a sense of normalcy at the Ridge. I want to see Brianna and Roger settle back in like they do in the books. It would paint a picture of what life will look like for them after “the end,” and this wouldn’t be achievable with a long, drawn-out fight for a reunion.
At this point in the game, it’s also unnecessary to make Outlander characters work for a reunion. While it works well on the page, such stories take up a significant amount of time for the TV show, only for the purpose of proving how hard these characters will fight to be together. We already know that Brianna will fight to find her parents, just as we know Jamie and Claire will always fight to be together. Tension built around a reunion would ultimately be anticlimactic. It would be far better to get Briannar and Roger to 1779’s Fraser’s Ridge in the very first episode of Outlander season 8.
I’m Eager To See Brianna’s Reaction To Outlander’s Big Faith Twist
Brianna Can Be A Big Help In This Mystery
Brianna being reunited with her parents would be the perfect way to kick off the first episode of Outlander’s last season. Then, this character could quickly get involved in the final big story arc of the series. As of the end of season 7, Brianna had no idea that Claire was shot at the Battle of Monmouth, or that she and Jamie had taken in little Fanny Pocock. This naturally means that she knows nothing about Claire’s big Faith revelation. Since Faith was Brianna’s older sister, I’m eager to see how she will react to the news.
Brianna may have some ideas about how Claire can confirm whether her daughter had lived, and this could lead them on a brand new adventure.
Brianna is deeply logical and may hesitate to take Claire’s idea seriously. However, she has also seen firsthand that magic is real in the Outlander universe. Brianna may have some ideas about how Claire can confirm whether her daughter had lived, and this could lead them on a brand new adventure (one that didn’t happen in the books and will, therefore, be a mystery to all audiences). Of course, for any of this to happen, Brianna would need to be reunited with her mother as soon as possible in Outlander. Season 8 had better not waste any time.