Zachary Tinker Has A New Life Update On Days Of Our Lives.


Zachary Tinker lovers, get ready for an incredible treat! The well-liked actor has played Fen Baldwin on The Young and the Restless and Sonny Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives. He’s about to delve into the realm of horror right now. In the upcoming horror movie “Beneath the Light,” Tinker plays the lead role of a damaged young guy. He is battling terrifying ghosts in a haunted lighthouse in addition to his own issues. Audiences will be enthralled by this interesting story of mystery and redemption in 2024.

Days of Our Lives: Zachary Tinker’s Latest Thrill Ride

Imagine a lonely lighthouse set on the edge of a far-off coastline, shrouded in mysteries and ghostly echoes of the past. This is the situation that Zack Tinker’s character encounters in “Beneath the Light.” In an effort to reconnect with an old friend, the daughter of the lighthouse’s mysterious owner, played by John Pyper Ferguson, he accepts a job at the abandoned lighthouse.

But being alone can also have a negative side. Without a way to get back to the shore’s safety, the main character sets out on a journey filled with strange encounters that upend his perception of reality. Along with the terrifying experiences, a budding romance brings some solace to his life. But the unexpected connection with the lighthouse keeper is what will ultimately lead to his comeback.

The film is currently in production, and fans can anticipate its release in 2024. But that’s not all; “Beneath the Light” promises more than just a captivating storyline. The film features the 106-year-old historic Lorain Lighthouse, affectionately known as the “Jewel of the Port,” as its backdrop. This iconic landmark has earned the title of “Best Lighthouse on Lake Erie” for an impressive ten years. It has been voted on by readers of Lake Erie magazine.


The movie is additionally being shot in Lorain, Ohio, under a SAG-AFTRA Interim Agreement, heightening the excitement. Ana Nicole Chavez, who assumes the character of the daughter of the lighthouse owner, travels with Zachary Tinker and John Pyper Ferguson on this action-packed voyage. There is more to discover if you want to delve even farther into the realm of “Beneath the Light.” There is a novelization for the independent feature picture project as well. Additionally, a tie-in mystery game offers an immersive experience outside of a movie theater.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, a talented creative team is hard at work to bring this suspenseful tale to life. Los Angeles-based producer/director John Baumgartner, who hails from Lorain. He is at the helm of this project. Joining him is producer/co-writer Cindy Seng, from neighboring Amherst, Ohio. Together, they’re weaving a web of intrigue that promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Prepare for a terrifying adventure in 2024 with Zachary Tinker in “Beneath the Light.” The famous Lorain Lighthouse serves as the setting for this horror film. A spine-tingling encounter chock full of intrigue, romance, and redemption is also promised by it. In addition to waiting impatiently for the release, fans can read a novelization to learn more about the narrative. a link to a mystery game online. “Beneath the Light” is shaping out to be a must-watch for lovers of Zachary Tinker and the horror genre thanks to a great creative team behind the scenes.
